And what do you think of this solution, a self-signed certificates without CA, it's better than nothing isn't it ?
No protection from man in the middle, but, it allow encryption between server and browser no ? Le 14/12/2011 15:03, Igor Galić a écrit : will issue free certificates, and, IIRC, also wildcard certificates. They are available in *most* browsers.Cheers, SR.iThanks for information Igor, I find the site, but not the IIRC site, can you give me more information ?Commas, commas, and, more, commas: IIRC == If I remember correctly So, in context: " will issue free certificates, and, if I remember correctly, also (free) wildcard certificates."I'm not the owner of because the root domain is the french institution, so can i create this type of certificate ?But in that case the owner of must request those certificates. |