I want to redirect only if there is an error (server status 503). Without the error, this is the redirect script, which works fine:
Redirect /music http://google.com/music
Redirect /talk http://pidgin.com/some_gtalk_url
But, this redirects /music to http:// google.co/music in all cases. I want this redirect only in case of an error. This syntax:
ErrorDocument 503 http://google.com/music
redirects all urls with 503 error message to http://google.com/music. But, I want the /talk ones with 503 error messages to be redirected to https://pidgin.com/some_gtalk_url
Any clues on how to do it?
Few notes on the problem:
- /music is not a physical directory
- In one sentence, the problem is to redirect specific urls (a) to a page only if that specific url (a) has a 503 error.
- This problem is also discussed on stack overflow:�http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7387862/mod-rewrite-for-server-status-503-depending-upon-url