[PATCH 05/21] drm/amd/display: Fix windowed MPO video with ODM combine for DCN32

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From: Samson Tam <Samson.Tam@xxxxxxx>

In single display configuration, windowed MPO does not work
 with ODM combine.

For ODM + MPO window on one half of ODM, only 3 pipes should
 be allocated and scaling parameters adjusted to handle this case.
 Otherwise, we use 4 pipes.
Move copy_surface_update_to_plane() before dc_add_plane_to_context()
 so that it gets the updated rect information when setting up
 the pipes.
Add dc_check_boundary_crossing_for_windowed_mpo_with_odm() to force
 a full update when we cross a boundary requiring us to reconfigure
 the number of pipes between 3 and 4 pipes.
Set config.enable_windowed_mpo_odm to true when we have the
 debug.enable_single_display_2to1_odm_policy set to true.
Don't fail validating ODM with windowed MPO if
 config.enable_windowed_mpo_odm is true.

Reviewed-by: Aric Cyr <Aric.Cyr@xxxxxxx>
Acked-by: Solomon Chiu <solomon.chiu@xxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Samson Tam <Samson.Tam@xxxxxxx>
 drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c      |  94 ++++++++++++++
 .../gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc_resource.c | 115 ++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c
index e13bf66f70e0..a448696ee8f2 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c
@@ -2415,6 +2415,96 @@ static enum surface_update_type check_update_surfaces_for_stream(
 	return overall_type;
+static bool dc_check_is_fullscreen_video(struct rect src, struct rect clip_rect)
+	int view_height, view_width, clip_x, clip_y, clip_width, clip_height;
+	view_height = src.height;
+	view_width = src.width;
+	clip_x = clip_rect.x;
+	clip_y = clip_rect.y;
+	clip_width = clip_rect.width;
+	clip_height = clip_rect.height;
+	/* check for centered video accounting for off by 1 scaling truncation */
+	if ((view_height - clip_y - clip_height <= clip_y + 1) &&
+			(view_width - clip_x - clip_width <= clip_x + 1) &&
+			(view_height - clip_y - clip_height >= clip_y - 1) &&
+			(view_width - clip_x - clip_width >= clip_x - 1)) {
+		/* when OS scales up/down to letter box, it may end up
+		 * with few blank pixels on the border due to truncating.
+		 * Add offset margin to account for this
+		 */
+		if (clip_x <= 4 || clip_y <= 4)
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+static enum surface_update_type check_boundary_crossing_for_windowed_mpo_with_odm(struct dc *dc,
+		struct dc_surface_update *srf_updates, int surface_count,
+		enum surface_update_type update_type)
+	enum surface_update_type new_update_type = update_type;
+	int i, j;
+	struct pipe_ctx *pipe = NULL;
+	struct dc_stream_state *stream;
+	/* Check that we are in windowed MPO with ODM
+	 * - look for MPO pipe by scanning pipes for first pipe matching
+	 *   surface that has moved ( position change )
+	 * - MPO pipe will have top pipe
+	 * - check that top pipe has ODM pointer
+	 */
+	if ((surface_count > 1) && dc->config.enable_windowed_mpo_odm) {
+		for (i = 0; i < surface_count; i++) {
+			if (srf_updates[i].surface && srf_updates[i].scaling_info
+					&& srf_updates[i].surface->update_flags.bits.position_change) {
+				for (j = 0; j < dc->res_pool->pipe_count; j++) {
+					if (srf_updates[i].surface == dc->current_state->res_ctx.pipe_ctx[j].plane_state) {
+						pipe = &dc->current_state->res_ctx.pipe_ctx[j];
+						stream = pipe->stream;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (pipe && pipe->top_pipe && (get_num_odm_splits(pipe->top_pipe) > 0) && stream
+						&& !dc_check_is_fullscreen_video(stream->src, srf_updates[i].scaling_info->clip_rect)) {
+					struct rect old_clip_rect, new_clip_rect;
+					bool old_clip_rect_left, old_clip_rect_right, old_clip_rect_middle;
+					bool new_clip_rect_left, new_clip_rect_right, new_clip_rect_middle;
+					old_clip_rect = srf_updates[i].surface->clip_rect;
+					new_clip_rect = srf_updates[i].scaling_info->clip_rect;
+					old_clip_rect_left = ((old_clip_rect.x + old_clip_rect.width) <= (stream->src.x + (stream->src.width/2)));
+					old_clip_rect_right = (old_clip_rect.x >= (stream->src.x + (stream->src.width/2)));
+					old_clip_rect_middle = !old_clip_rect_left && !old_clip_rect_right;
+					new_clip_rect_left = ((new_clip_rect.x + new_clip_rect.width) <= (stream->src.x + (stream->src.width/2)));
+					new_clip_rect_right = (new_clip_rect.x >= (stream->src.x + (stream->src.width/2)));
+					new_clip_rect_middle = !new_clip_rect_left && !new_clip_rect_right;
+					if (old_clip_rect_left && new_clip_rect_middle)
+						new_update_type = UPDATE_TYPE_FULL;
+					else if (old_clip_rect_middle && new_clip_rect_right)
+						new_update_type = UPDATE_TYPE_FULL;
+					else if (old_clip_rect_right && new_clip_rect_middle)
+						new_update_type = UPDATE_TYPE_FULL;
+					else if (old_clip_rect_middle && new_clip_rect_left)
+						new_update_type = UPDATE_TYPE_FULL;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return new_update_type;
  * dc_check_update_surfaces_for_stream() - Determine update type (fast, med, or full)
@@ -2446,6 +2536,10 @@ enum surface_update_type dc_check_update_surfaces_for_stream(
 			updates[i].surface->update_flags.raw = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	if (type == UPDATE_TYPE_MED)
+		type = check_boundary_crossing_for_windowed_mpo_with_odm(dc,
+				updates, surface_count, type);
 	if (type == UPDATE_TYPE_FAST) {
 		// If there's an available clock comparator, we use that.
 		if (dc->clk_mgr->funcs->are_clock_states_equal) {
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc_resource.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc_resource.c
index 2aa42c710488..9eb7e7027622 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc_resource.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc_resource.c
@@ -757,6 +757,10 @@ static void calculate_split_count_and_index(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx, int *spli
 			split_pipe = split_pipe->top_pipe;
+		/* MPO window on right side of ODM split */
+		if (split_pipe && split_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && !pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe)
+			(*split_idx)++;
 	} else {
 		/*Get odm split index*/
 		struct pipe_ctx *split_pipe = pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe;
@@ -803,7 +807,11 @@ static void calculate_recout(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
 	 * Only the leftmost ODM pipe should be offset by a nonzero distance
-	if (!pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe || split_idx == split_count) {
+	if (pipe_ctx->top_pipe && pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && !pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe) {
+		/* MPO window on right side of ODM split */
+		data->recout.x = stream->dst.x + (surf_clip.x - stream->src.x - stream->src.width/2) *
+				stream->dst.width / stream->src.width;
+	} else if (!pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe || split_idx == split_count) {
 		data->recout.x = stream->dst.x;
 		if (stream->src.x < surf_clip.x)
 			data->recout.x += (surf_clip.x - stream->src.x) * stream->dst.width
@@ -1001,6 +1009,8 @@ static void calculate_inits_and_viewports(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
 			* stream->dst.height / stream->src.height;
 	if (pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe && split_idx)
 		ro_lb = data->h_active * split_idx - recout_full_x;
+	else if (pipe_ctx->top_pipe && pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe)
+		ro_lb = data->h_active * split_idx - recout_full_x + data->recout.x;
 		ro_lb = data->recout.x - recout_full_x;
 	ro_tb = data->recout.y - recout_full_y;
@@ -1106,9 +1116,26 @@ bool resource_build_scaling_params(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
 			timing->h_border_left + timing->h_border_right;
 	pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.v_active = timing->v_addressable +
 		timing->v_border_top + timing->v_border_bottom;
-	if (pipe_ctx->next_odm_pipe || pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe)
+	if (pipe_ctx->next_odm_pipe || pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe) {
 		pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.h_active /= get_num_odm_splits(pipe_ctx) + 1;
+		DC_LOG_SCALER("%s pipe %d: next_odm_pipe:%d   prev_odm_pipe:%d\n",
+				__func__,
+				pipe_ctx->pipe_idx,
+				pipe_ctx->next_odm_pipe ? pipe_ctx->next_odm_pipe->pipe_idx : -1,
+				pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe ? pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe->pipe_idx : -1);
+	}	/* ODM + windows MPO, where window is on either right or left ODM half */
+	else if (pipe_ctx->top_pipe && (pipe_ctx->top_pipe->next_odm_pipe || pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe)) {
+		pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.h_active /= get_num_odm_splits(pipe_ctx->top_pipe) + 1;
+		DC_LOG_SCALER("%s ODM + windows MPO: pipe:%d top_pipe:%d   top_pipe->next_odm_pipe:%d   top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe:%d\n",
+				__func__,
+				pipe_ctx->pipe_idx,
+				pipe_ctx->top_pipe->pipe_idx,
+				pipe_ctx->top_pipe->next_odm_pipe ? pipe_ctx->top_pipe->next_odm_pipe->pipe_idx : -1,
+				pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe ? pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->pipe_idx : -1);
+	}
 	/* depends on h_active */
 	/* depends on pixel format */
@@ -1116,10 +1143,12 @@ bool resource_build_scaling_params(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
 	/* depends on scaling ratios and recout, does not calculate offset yet */
-	/* Stopgap for validation of ODM + MPO on one side of screen case */
-	if (pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.viewport.height < 1 ||
-			pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.viewport.width < 1)
-		return false;
+	if (!pipe_ctx->stream->ctx->dc->config.enable_windowed_mpo_odm) {
+		/* Stopgap for validation of ODM + MPO on one side of screen case */
+		if (pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.viewport.height < 1 ||
+				pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.viewport.width < 1)
+			return false;
+	}
 	 * LB calculations depend on vp size, h/v_active and scaling ratios
@@ -1420,6 +1449,7 @@ bool dc_add_plane_to_context(
 	struct pipe_ctx *head_pipe, *tail_pipe, *free_pipe;
 	struct dc_stream_status *stream_status = NULL;
+	DC_LOGGER_INIT(stream->ctx->logger);
 	for (i = 0; i < context->stream_count; i++)
 		if (context->streams[i] == stream) {
 			stream_status = &context->stream_status[i];
@@ -1466,23 +1496,66 @@ bool dc_add_plane_to_context(
 		if (head_pipe != free_pipe) {
 			tail_pipe = resource_get_tail_pipe(&context->res_ctx, head_pipe);
-			free_pipe->stream_res.tg = tail_pipe->stream_res.tg;
-			free_pipe->stream_res.abm = tail_pipe->stream_res.abm;
-			free_pipe->stream_res.opp = tail_pipe->stream_res.opp;
-			free_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc = tail_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc;
-			free_pipe->stream_res.audio = tail_pipe->stream_res.audio;
-			free_pipe->clock_source = tail_pipe->clock_source;
-			free_pipe->top_pipe = tail_pipe;
-			tail_pipe->bottom_pipe = free_pipe;
-			if (!free_pipe->next_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe) {
-				free_pipe->next_odm_pipe = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe;
-				tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe->prev_odm_pipe = free_pipe;
-			}
-			if (!free_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe) {
-				free_pipe->prev_odm_pipe = tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe;
-				tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe->next_odm_pipe = free_pipe;
+			/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on right half only */
+			if (free_pipe->plane_state &&
+					(free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x >= free_pipe->stream->src.x + free_pipe->stream->src.width/2) &&
+					tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe) {
+				DC_LOG_SCALER("%s - ODM + window MPO(right). free_pipe:%d  tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe:%d\n",
+						__func__,
+						free_pipe->pipe_idx,
+						tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe ? tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->pipe_idx : -1);
+				free_pipe->stream_res.tg = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.tg;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.abm = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.abm;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.opp = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.opp;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.audio = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.audio;
+				free_pipe->clock_source = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->clock_source;
+				free_pipe->top_pipe = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe;
+				tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe = free_pipe;
+			} else {
+				free_pipe->stream_res.tg = tail_pipe->stream_res.tg;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.abm = tail_pipe->stream_res.abm;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.opp = tail_pipe->stream_res.opp;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc = tail_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc;
+				free_pipe->stream_res.audio = tail_pipe->stream_res.audio;
+				free_pipe->clock_source = tail_pipe->clock_source;
+				free_pipe->top_pipe = tail_pipe;
+				tail_pipe->bottom_pipe = free_pipe;
+				if (!free_pipe->next_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe) {
+					free_pipe->next_odm_pipe = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe;
+					tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe->prev_odm_pipe = free_pipe;
+				}
+				if (!free_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe) {
+					free_pipe->prev_odm_pipe = tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe;
+					tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe->next_odm_pipe = free_pipe;
+				}
+		/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on left half only */
+		if (free_pipe->plane_state &&
+				(free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x + free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.width <=
+				free_pipe->stream->src.x + free_pipe->stream->src.width/2)) {
+			DC_LOG_SCALER("%s - ODM + window MPO(left). free_pipe:%d\n",
+					__func__,
+					free_pipe->pipe_idx);
+			break;
+		}
+		/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on right half only */
+		if (free_pipe->plane_state &&
+				(free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x >= free_pipe->stream->src.x + free_pipe->stream->src.width/2)) {
+			DC_LOG_SCALER("%s - ODM + window MPO(right). free_pipe:%d\n",
+					__func__,
+					free_pipe->pipe_idx);
+			break;
+		}
 		head_pipe = head_pipe->next_odm_pipe;
 	/* assign new surfaces*/

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