On 2/4/2022 6:20 PM, Lazar, Lijo wrote:
[AMD Official Use Only]
One more thing
In suspend-reset case, won't this cause to schedule a work item on suspend? I don't know if that is a good idea, ideally we would like to clean up all work items before going to suspend.
Again, this opens scope for discussion. What if there is a GPU error
during suspend-reset, which is very probable case.
- Shashank
-----Original Message-----
From: Sharma, Shashank <Shashank.Sharma@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, February 4, 2022 10:47 PM
To: Lazar, Lijo <Lijo.Lazar@xxxxxxx>; amd-gfx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Deucher, Alexander <Alexander.Deucher@xxxxxxx>; Somalapuram, Amaranath <Amaranath.Somalapuram@xxxxxxx>; Koenig, Christian <Christian.Koenig@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 4/4] drm/amdgpu/nv: add navi GPU reset handler
On 2/4/2022 6:11 PM, Lazar, Lijo wrote:
BTW, since this is already providing a set of values it would be useful to provide one more field as the reset reason - RAS error recovery, GPU hung recovery or something else.
Adding this additional parameter instead of blocking something in kernel, seems like a better idea. The app can filter out and read what it is interested into.
- Shashank