Re: [PATCH umr v2] fix field names for INDIRECT_BUFFER_CONST/CIK for gfx9/gfx10

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Hmm it doesn't apply on top of the tip of master.  I'll just manually apply it.


On 2020-02-19 6:56 a.m., Xiaojie Yuan wrote:
field names for INDIRECT_BUFFER_CONST/CIK of gfx9/gfx10 are the same.
fields like OFFLOAD_POLLING and VALID are defined in mec's
INDIRECT_BUFFER packet, so not applicable here.

v2: fix umr_pm4_decode_opcodes.c as well

Signed-off-by: Xiaojie Yuan <xiaojie.yuan@xxxxxxx>
  src/lib/ring_decode.c            | 23 +++++++----------------
  src/lib/umr_pm4_decode_opcodes.c | 20 ++++++--------------
  2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lib/ring_decode.c b/src/lib/ring_decode.c
index 250dfd7..fa44f27 100644
--- a/src/lib/ring_decode.c
+++ b/src/lib/ring_decode.c
@@ -617,22 +617,13 @@ static void print_decode_pm4_pkt3(struct umr_asic *asic, struct umr_ring_decoder
  				case 2: printf("IB_SIZE:%s%lu%s, VMID: %s%lu%s", BLUE, BITS(ib, 0, 20), RST, BLUE, BITS(ib, 24, 28), RST);
  					decoder->pm4.next_ib_state.ib_size = BITS(ib, 0, 20) * 4;
  					decoder->pm4.next_ib_state.ib_vmid = decoder->next_ib_info.vmid ? decoder->next_ib_info.vmid : BITS(ib, 24, 28);
-					if (decoder->pm4.cur_opcode == 0x33) {
-						if (asic->family >= FAMILY_NV) {
-							printf(", CHAIN: %s%u%s, PRE_ENA: %s%u%s, CACHE_POLICY: %s%u%s, PRE_RESUME: %s%u%s PRIV: %s%u%s",
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 20, 21), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 21, 22), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 28, 30), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 30, 31), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 31, 32), RST);
-						} else if (asic->family >= FAMILY_AI) {
-							printf(", CHAIN: %s%u%s, OFFLOAD_POLLING: %s%u%s, VALID: %s%u%s, CACHE_POLICY: %s%u%s PRIV: %s%u%s",
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 20, 21), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 21, 22), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 23, 24), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 28, 30), RST,
-								   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 31, 32), RST);
-						}
+					if (asic->family >= FAMILY_AI) {
+						printf(", CHAIN: %s%u%s, PRE_ENA: %s%u%s, CACHE_POLICY: %s%u%s, PRE_RESUME: %s%u%s PRIV: %s%u%s",
+							   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 20, 21), RST,
+							   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 21, 22), RST,
+							   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 28, 30), RST,
+							   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 30, 31), RST,
+							   BLUE, (unsigned)BITS(ib, 31, 32), RST);
  					if (!asic->options.no_follow_ib) {
  						if (umr_read_vram(asic, decoder->pm4.next_ib_state.ib_vmid,
diff --git a/src/lib/umr_pm4_decode_opcodes.c b/src/lib/umr_pm4_decode_opcodes.c
index d7c1495..a823ecf 100644
--- a/src/lib/umr_pm4_decode_opcodes.c
+++ b/src/lib/umr_pm4_decode_opcodes.c
@@ -429,20 +429,12 @@ static void decode_pkt3(struct umr_asic *asic, struct umr_pm4_stream_decode_ui *
  			ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 8, ib_vmid, "IB_BASE_HI", BITS(stream->words[1], 0, 16), NULL, 16);
  			ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "IB_SIZE", BITS(stream->words[2], 0, 20), NULL, 10);
  			ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "IB_VMID", BITS(stream->words[2], 24, 28), NULL, 10);
-			if (stream->opcode == 0x33) {
-				if (asic->family >= FAMILY_NV) {
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "CHAIN", BITS(stream->words[2], 20, 21), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "PRE_ENA", BITS(stream->words[2], 21, 22), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "CACHE_POLICY", BITS(stream->words[2], 28, 30), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "PRE_RESUME", BITS(stream->words[2], 30, 31), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "PRIV", BITS(stream->words[2], 31, 32), NULL, 10);
-				} else if (asic->family >= FAMILY_AI) {
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "CHAIN", BITS(stream->words[2], 20, 21), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "OFFLOAD_POLLING", BITS(stream->words[2], 21, 22), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "VALID", BITS(stream->words[2], 23, 24), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "CACHE_POLICY", BITS(stream->words[2], 28, 30), NULL, 10);
-					ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "PRIV", BITS(stream->words[2], 31, 32), NULL, 10);
-				}
+			if (asic->family >= FAMILY_AI) {
+				ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "CHAIN", BITS(stream->words[2], 20, 21), NULL, 10);
+				ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "PRE_ENA", BITS(stream->words[2], 21, 22), NULL, 10);
+				ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "CACHE_POLICY", BITS(stream->words[2], 28, 30), NULL, 10);
+				ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "PRE_RESUME", BITS(stream->words[2], 30, 31), NULL, 10);
+				ui->add_field(ui, ib_addr + 12, ib_vmid, "PRIV", BITS(stream->words[2], 31, 32), NULL, 10);
  		case 0x37: // WRITE_DATA
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