[PATCH umr] Add initial AI VM decoding

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The more I think about it I wonder if

	// AI+ allows 0=default (4KB) whereas VI requires it to be explictly 
set to >=4
	page_table_size = page_table_size ? page_table_size : 4;

Should be instead

	page_table_size += 4;

Since in the later code

				pde_idx = (pde_address >> (page_table_depth*9 + (12 + 
page_table_size - 4)));

Would result in a 9-bit page size if say page_table_size was 1 which 
should actually be 13 bits (8KB).


On 06/04/17 02:14 PM, Tom St Denis wrote:
> On 06/04/17 02:11 PM, Deucher, Alexander wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: amd-gfx [mailto:amd-gfx-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org] On Behalf
>>> Of Tom St Denis
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 1:53 PM
>>> To: amd-gfx at lists.freedesktop.org
>>> Cc: StDenis, Tom
>>> Subject: [PATCH umr] Add initial AI VM decoding
>>> Tested with VMID0 decodings just fine.  Haven't tried VMID1-15 yet.
>>> Signed-off-by: Tom St Denis <tom.stdenis at amd.com>
>> Looks reasonable:
>> Acked-by: Alex Deucher <alexander.deucher at amd.com>
> Thanks.  What I'm leery about is the page_table_size.  On VI it's always
> 4KB (with our kernel) so the logic isn't vetted much in umr.
> Then to add to it it seems AI+ interpretation is a bit different with
> 0==4KB (instead of 4).  I presume values greater than 0 are for
> multiples of 4KB (or multiples of 512 8-byte PDE/PTE entries) e.g. 1 =
> 8KB of next level entries, etc.
> I'll try adding a stall to libdrm's GFX test again and see if the VMID
>>= 1 decoding works in the meantime.
> Cheers,
> Tom
>>> ---
>>>  src/lib/read_vram.c | 180
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>>>  1 file changed, 176 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/src/lib/read_vram.c b/src/lib/read_vram.c
>>> index e2087a252c10..4c74f4521857 100644
>>> --- a/src/lib/read_vram.c
>>> +++ b/src/lib/read_vram.c
>>> @@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ static int umr_read_sram(uint64_t address, uint32_t
>>> size, void *dst)
>>>        return -1;
>>>  }
>>> -
>>>  static int umr_read_vram_vi(struct umr_asic *asic, uint32_t vmid,
>>> uint64_t
>>> address, uint32_t size, void *dst)
>>>  {
>>>        uint64_t start_addr, page_table_start_addr, page_table_base_addr,
>>> @@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ static int umr_read_vram_vi(struct umr_asic *asic,
>>> uint32_t vmid, uint64_t addre
>>>                if (page_table_depth == 1) {
>>>                        // decode addr into pte and pde selectors...
>>>                        pde_idx = (address >> (12 + 9 +
>>> page_table_size)) &
>>> ((1ULL << (40 - 12 - 9 - page_table_size)) - 1);
>>> -                     pte_idx = (address >> 12) & ((1ULL << (9 +
>>> page_table_size)) - 1);
>>> +                     pte_idx = (address >> (12 + page_table_size -
>>> 4)) &
>>> ((1ULL << (9 + page_table_size)) - 1);
>>>                        // read PDE entry
>>>                        umr_read_vram(asic, 0xFFFF, page_table_base_addr
>>> + pde_idx * 8, 8, &pde_entry);
>>> @@ -210,6 +209,172 @@ static int umr_read_vram_vi(struct umr_asic *asic,
>>> uint32_t vmid, uint64_t addre
>>>        return 0;
>>>  }
>>> +static int umr_read_vram_ai(struct umr_asic *asic, uint32_t vmid,
>>> uint64_t
>>> address, uint32_t size, void *dst)
>>> +{
>>> +     uint64_t start_addr, page_table_start_addr, page_table_base_addr,
>>> +              page_table_size, pte_idx, pde_idx, pte_entry, pde_entry,
>>> +              pde_address;
>>> +     uint32_t chunk_size, tmp;
>>> +     int page_table_depth, first;
>>> +     struct {
>>> +             uint64_t
>>> +                     frag_size,
>>> +                     pte_base_addr,
>>> +                     valid;
>>> +     } pde_fields;
>>> +     struct {
>>> +             uint64_t
>>> +                     page_base_addr,
>>> +                     fragment,
>>> +                     system,
>>> +                     valid;
>>> +     } pte_fields;
>>> +     char buf[64];
>>> +     unsigned char *pdst = dst;
>>> +
>>> +     /*
>>> +      * PTE format on VI:
>>> +      * 63:40 reserved
>>> +      * 39:12 4k physical page base address
>>> +      * 11:7 fragment
>>> +      * 6 write
>>> +      * 5 read
>>> +      * 4 exe
>>> +      * 3 reserved
>>> +      * 2 snooped
>>> +      * 1 system
>>> +      * 0 valid
>>> +      *
>>> +      * PDE format on VI:
>>> +      * 63:59 block fragment size
>>> +      * 58:40 reserved
>>> +      * 39:1 physical base address of PTE
>>> +      * bits 5:1 must be 0.
>>> +      * 0 valid
>>> +      */
>>> +
>>> +     // read vm registers
>>> +     sprintf(buf,
>>> "mmVM_CONTEXT%d_PAGE_TABLE_START_ADDR_LO32", (int)vmid);
>>> +             page_table_start_addr =
>>> (uint64_t)umr_read_reg_by_name(asic, buf) << 12;
>>> +     sprintf(buf,
>>> "mmVM_CONTEXT%d_PAGE_TABLE_START_ADDR_HI32", (int)vmid);
>>> +             page_table_start_addr |=
>>> (uint64_t)umr_read_reg_by_name(asic, buf) << 44;
>>> +
>>> +     sprintf(buf, "mmVM_CONTEXT%d_CNTL", (int)vmid);
>>> +             tmp = umr_read_reg_by_name(asic, buf);
>>> +             page_table_depth      = umr_bitslice_reg_by_name(asic,
>>> buf,
>>> "PAGE_TABLE_DEPTH", tmp);
>>> +             page_table_size       = umr_bitslice_reg_by_name(asic,
>>> buf,
>>> +
>>> +     sprintf(buf,
>>> "mmVM_CONTEXT%d_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_LO32", (int)vmid);
>>> +             page_table_base_addr  =
>>> (uint64_t)umr_read_reg_by_name(asic, buf) << 0;
>>> +     sprintf(buf,
>>> "mmVM_CONTEXT%d_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_HI32", (int)vmid);
>>> +             page_table_base_addr  |=
>>> (uint64_t)umr_read_reg_by_name(asic, buf) << 32;
>>> +
>>> +     DEBUG("VIRT_ADDR = %08llx\n", (unsigned long long)address);
>>> +     DEBUG("PAGE_START_ADDR = %08llx\n", (unsigned long
>>> long)page_table_start_addr);
>>> +     DEBUG("BASE_ADDR = 0x%08llx\n", (unsigned long
>>> long)page_table_base_addr);
>>> +     DEBUG("BASE_SIZE = %lu\n", page_table_size);
>>> +     DEBUG("PAGE_TABLE_DEPTH = %d\n", page_table_depth);
>>> +
>>> +     address -= page_table_start_addr;
>>> +
>>> +     // AI+ allows 0=default (4KB) whereas VI requires it to be
>>> explictly set
>>> to >=4
>>> +     page_table_size = page_table_size ? page_table_size : 4;
>>> +
>>> +     first = 1;
>>> +     while (size) {
>>> +             if (page_table_depth >= 1) {
>>> +                     // page_table_base_addr is not a PDE entry in this
>>> config so shift it out (it's a page address)
>>> +                     page_table_base_addr <<= 12;
>>> +                     pte_idx = (address >> (12 + page_table_size -
>>> 4)) &
>>> ((1ULL << (9 + page_table_size)) - 1);
>>> +
>>> +                     // AI+ supports more than 1 level of PDEs so we
>>> iterate for all of the depths
>>> +                     pde_address = address;
>>> +                     while (page_table_depth) {
>>> +                             // decode addr into pte and pde
>>> selectors...
>>> +                             pde_idx = (pde_address >>
>>> (page_table_depth*9 + (12 + page_table_size - 4)));
>>> +
>>> +                             // don't mask the first PDE idx
>>> +                             if (!first)
>>> +                                     pde_idx &= (1ULL << 9) - 1;
>>> +                             first = 0;
>>> +
>>> +                             // read PDE entry
>>> +                             umr_read_vram(asic, 0xFFFF,
>>> page_table_base_addr + pde_idx * 8, 8, &pde_entry);
>>> +
>>> +                             // decode PDE values
>>> +                             pde_fields.frag_size     = (pde_entry
>>> >> 59) &
>>> 0x1F;
>>> +                             pde_fields.pte_base_addr = pde_entry &
>>> +                             pde_fields.valid         = pde_entry & 1;
>>> +                             DEBUG("pde_idx=%llx, frag_size=%u,
>>> pte_base_addr=0x%llx, valid=%d\n", (unsigned long long)pde_idx,
>>> (unsigned)pde_fields.frag_size, (unsigned long
>>> long)pde_fields.pte_base_addr, (int)pde_fields.valid);
>>> +
>>> +                             // for the next round the address we're
>>> decoding is the phys address in the currently decoded PDE
>>> +                             --page_table_depth;
>>> +                             pde_address = pde_fields.pte_base_addr;
>>> +                     }
>>> +
>>> +                     // now read PTE entry for this page
>>> +                     umr_read_vram(asic, 0xFFFF,
>>> pde_fields.pte_base_addr + pte_idx*8, 8, &pte_entry);
>>> +
>>> +                     // decode PTE values
>>> +                     pte_fields.page_base_addr = pte_entry &
>>> +                     pte_fields.fragment       = (pte_entry >> 7)  &
>>> 0x1F;
>>> +                     pte_fields.system         = (pte_entry >> 1) & 1;
>>> +                     pte_fields.valid          = pte_entry & 1;
>>> +                     DEBUG("pte_idx=%llx, page_base_addr=0x%llx,
>>> fragment=%u, system=%d, valid=%d\n", (unsigned long long)pte_idx,
>>> (unsigned long long)pte_fields.page_base_addr,
>>> (unsigned)pte_fields.fragment, (int)pte_fields.system,
>>> (int)pte_fields.valid);
>>> +
>>> +                     // compute starting address
>>> +                     start_addr = pte_fields.page_base_addr + (address
>>> & 0xFFF);
>>> +             } else {
>>> +                     // in AI+ the BASE_ADDR is treated like a PDE
>>> entry...
>>> +                     // decode PDE values
>>> +                     pde_idx = 0; // unused
>>> +                     pde_fields.frag_size     =
>>> (page_table_base_addr >>
>>> 59) & 0x1F;
>>> +                     pde_fields.pte_base_addr = page_table_base_addr
>>> & 0xFFFFFFFFF000ULL;
>>> +                     pde_fields.valid         = page_table_base_addr
>>> & 1;
>>> +                     DEBUG("pde_idx=%llx, frag_size=%u,
>>> pte_base_addr=0x%llx, valid=%d\n", (unsigned long long)pde_idx,
>>> (unsigned)pde_fields.frag_size, (unsigned long
>>> long)pde_fields.pte_base_addr, (int)pde_fields.valid);
>>> +
>>> +                     // PTE addr = baseaddr[47:6] + (logical -
>>> start) >>
>>> fragsize)
>>> +                     pte_idx = (address >> (12 +
>>> pde_fields.frag_size));
>>> +
>>> +                     umr_read_vram(asic, 0xFFFF,
>>> pde_fields.pte_base_addr + pte_idx * 8, 8, &pte_entry);
>>> +
>>> +                     // decode PTE values
>>> +                     pte_fields.page_base_addr = pte_entry &
>>> +                     pte_fields.fragment       = (pte_entry >> 7)  &
>>> 0x1F;
>>> +                     pte_fields.system         = (pte_entry >> 1) & 1;
>>> +                     pte_fields.valid          = pte_entry & 1;
>>> +                     DEBUG("pte_idx=%llx, page_base_addr=0x%llx,
>>> fragment=%u, system=%d, valid=%d\n", (unsigned long long)pte_idx,
>>> (unsigned long long)pte_fields.page_base_addr,
>>> (unsigned)pte_fields.fragment, (int)pte_fields.system,
>>> (int)pte_fields.valid);
>>> +
>>> +                     // compute starting address
>>> +                     start_addr = pte_fields.page_base_addr + (address
>>> & 0xFFF);
>>> +             }
>>> +
>>> +             // read upto 4K from it
>>> +             // TODO: Support page sizes >4KB
>>> +             if (((start_addr & 0xFFF) + size) & ~0xFFF) {
>>> +                     chunk_size = 0x1000 - (start_addr & 0xFFF);
>>> +             } else {
>>> +                     chunk_size = size;
>>> +             }
>>> +             DEBUG("Computed address we will read from: %s:%llx
>>> (reading: %lu bytes)\n", pte_fields.system ? "sys" : "vram",
>>> (unsigned long
>>> long)start_addr, (unsigned long)chunk_size);
>>> +             if (pte_fields.system) {
>>> +                     if (umr_read_sram(start_addr, chunk_size, pdst)
>>> < 0)
>>> {
>>> +                             fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Cannot read
>>> system
>>> ram, perhaps CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM is set in your kernel config?\n");
>>> +                             fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Alternatively
>>> download and install /dev/fmem\n");
>>> +                             return -1;
>>> +                     }
>>> +             } else {
>>> +                     if (umr_read_vram(asic, 0xFFFF, start_addr,
>>> chunk_size, pdst) < 0) {
>>> +                             fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Cannot read from
>>> VRAM\n");
>>> +                             return -1;
>>> +                     }
>>> +             }
>>> +             pdst += chunk_size;
>>> +             size -= chunk_size;
>>> +             address += chunk_size;
>>> +     }
>>> +     return 0;
>>> +}
>>>  int umr_read_vram(struct umr_asic *asic, uint32_t vmid, uint64_t
>>> address,
>>> uint32_t size, void *dst)
>>>  {
>>> @@ -234,8 +399,15 @@ int umr_read_vram(struct umr_asic *asic, uint32_t
>>> vmid, uint64_t address, uint32
>>>                return 0;
>>>        }
>>> -     if (asic->family == FAMILY_VI)
>>> -             return umr_read_vram_vi(asic, vmid, address, size, dst);
>>> +     switch (asic->family) {
>>> +             case FAMILY_VI:
>>> +                     return umr_read_vram_vi(asic, vmid, address, size,
>>> dst);
>>> +             case FAMILY_AI:
>>> +                     return umr_read_vram_ai(asic, vmid, address, size,
>>> dst);
>>> +             default:
>>> +                     fprintf(stderr, "[BUG] Unsupported ASIC family
>>> type
>>> for umr_read_vram()\n");
>>> +                     return -1;
>>> +     }
>>>        return 0;
>>>  }
>>> --
>>> 2.12.0
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>>> amd-gfx at lists.freedesktop.org
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