Re: [PATCH] ASoC: Add a debug log to track DAPM widget power up/down

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Thanks Mark for the review!

On 5/24/2019 4:29 AM, Mark Brown wrote:
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 12:54:27AM -0700, bgoswami@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Banajit Goswami <bgoswami@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Add a debug log to help track widgets being powered-up and powered-down
by DAPM.
We already have huge amounts of trace available via tracepoints and
having something on by default in the debug logs seems like it's going
to get very verbose for people who aren't specifically working on audio.
What's the advantage of adding dev_dbg() logs as well?
Having this debug statement helps collecting logs about DAPM widget power

Up/Down sequence, which helps significantly during debugging. The advantage of
having the dev_dbg here are-

1. Do not need to enable trace, which helps collecting logs, without much know-how
about audio or kernel

2. Dynamic debug (using /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug) can be enabled for

either just this line of code, or, for the function containing this debug statement.
This way, logs can be collected just for the DAPM widget enable/disable, 
and thereby
avoid having the output logs filled with unwanted logs.

3. Though I agree with you about the additional DAPM debug logs being present for
someone who may not be specifically working on Audio, based on the number of

widgets in the audio path used, the number of prints should be limited to only widget
power on/off.

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