Re: [PATCH] ASoC: Intel: atom: Add debug information related to FW version

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On 28/10/2016 18:33, Mark Brown wrote:
On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 04:32:50PM +0200, Sebastien Guiriec wrote:

+	dev_info(sst_drv_ctx->dev, "FW Version %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x\n",
+			init->fw_version.type, init->fw_version.major,
+			init->fw_version.minor, init->;
+	dev_dbg(sst_drv_ctx->dev, "Build date %s Time %s\n",
+			init->, init->build_info.time);
Seems like an odd mix of info/dbg but whatever.  I'd also recommend
adding sysfs or at least debugfs files exposing this information, that
way you can still get at it even if the kernel log has been filled with
other things.
Thansk Mark. I will remove the build time and date as the most important 
info is the FW version in order to have traceability of the different 
FW. I will add sysfs entry also.
Intel Corporation SAS (French simplified joint stock company)
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