so I am thinking of sound hardware generating an interrupt at the FIFO having 32-bytes. In your first reply did you mean that periods_min = periods_max =1 would be the setting correponding to my hardware initializations to generate an interrupt after 16 16-bit samples having been transferred? So considering that the FIFO bank is of 64 bytes, what do you think would be the setting for periods_min and periods_max? Regards; Aadish On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:56 AM, Adish Kuvelker <adkuvi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > yes...I know that my hardware will generate the interrupt and it will > be at FIFO being half empty. > > On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:17 AM, James Courtier-Dutton > <james.dutton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: >> On 23 June 2010 18:57, Adish Kuvelker <adkuvi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: >>> Hello James, >>> Thanks a lot....Just a typo error for the period_bytes_min and >>> period_bytes_max in my mail..... >>> >>> Now that my FIFO is 64 bytes and if I need an interrupt to the CPU for >>> FIFO being half-empty (i.e 32 bytes = 16 16-bit samples), would it be >>> right to set the periods_min = periods_max = 32? >>> >> >> No. The periods do not create the interrupt. >> Your sound hardware has to do the interrupt. >> When does you hardware do the interrupt? >> > _______________________________________________ Alsa-devel mailing list Alsa-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx