Re: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail() returned a value that is exceptionally large: 349696 bytes (1821 ms).

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On Sun, 2009-12-20 at 17:41 -0600, Chris wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-12-20 at 07:47 +0800, Raymond Yau wrote:
> > I can reproduce this bug on pulseaudio-0.9.14 by
> > 
> > aplay -v --period-size=32  any_rate_not_equal_44100Hz.wav
> > 
> > 
> > y-application-name:ALSA plug-in [aplay], because already set.
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Trying resume...
> > D: alsa-util.c: Maximum hw buffer size is 371 ms
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=0
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=4661
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Resumed successfully...
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes idle.
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes busy.
> > D: resampler.c: Channel matrix:
> > D: resampler.c:        I00
> > D: resampler.c:     +------
> > D: resampler.c: O00 | 1.000
> > D: resampler.c: O01 | 1.000
> > I: resampler.c: Using resampler 'speex-float-3'
> > I: resampler.c: Using float32le as working format.
> > I: resampler.c: Choosing speex quality setting 3.
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=33554432, tlength=0, base=4,
> > prebuf=0, minreq=1 maxrewind=0
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=33554432, tlength=33554432,
> > base=4, prebuf=0, minreq=4 maxrewind=0
> > I: sink-input.c: Created input 0 "ALSA Playback" on
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 with sample spec u8 1ch
> > 48000Hz and channel map mono
> > I: protocol-native.c: Requested tlength=501.33 ms, minreq=2.67 ms
> > D: protocol-native.c: Early requests mode enabled, configuring sink latency
> > to minreq.
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=4194304, tlength=24064,
> > base=1, prebuf=23936, minreq=128 maxrewind=0
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=4194304, tlength=24064,
> > base=1, prebuf=23936, minreq=128 maxrewind=0
> > I: protocol-native.c: Final latency 504.00 ms = 496.00 ms + 2*2.67 ms + 2.67
> > ms
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Starting playback.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: latency set to 4.00ms
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=1872
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=2225
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requesting rewind due to latency change.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 8192 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 7608 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 1902
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 1902
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 7608 bytes.
> > D: sink.c: Processing rewind...
> > D: sink-input.c: Have to rewind 7608 bytes on render memblockq.
> > D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> > D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> > D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> > D: sink-input.c: Requesting rewind due to corking
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes idle.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=0
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=7661
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 8192 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 140 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 35
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 35
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 140 bytes.
> > D: sink.c: Processing rewind...
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes idle.
> > I: sink-input.c: Freeing input 0 "ALSA Playback"
> > I: client.c: Freed 1 "ALSA plug-in [aplay]"
> > I: protocol-native.c: Connection died.
> > I: client.c: Created 2 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
> > D: protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 14, local 14
> > I: protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=500 gid=500 success=1
> > D: protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes
> > D: protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: yes
> > I: module-stream-restore.c: Restoring device for stream
> > sink-input-by-application-name:ALSA plug-in [aplay].
> > I: module-stream-restore.c: Restoring volume for sink input
> > sink-input-by-application-name:ALSA plug-in [aplay].
> > D: module-stream-restore.c: Not restoring mute state for sink input
> > sink-input-by-application-name:ALSA plug-in [aplay], because already set.
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes busy.
> > I: resampler.c: Using resampler 'speex-float-3'
> > I: resampler.c: Using float32le as working format.
> > I: resampler.c: Choosing speex quality setting 3.
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=33554432, tlength=0, base=4,
> > prebuf=0, minreq=1 maxrewind=0
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=33554432, tlength=33554432,
> > base=4, prebuf=0, minreq=4 maxrewind=0
> > I: sink-input.c: Created input 1 "ALSA Playback" on
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 with sample spec s16le
> > 2ch 22050Hz and channel map front-left,front-right
> > I: protocol-native.c: Requested tlength=500.68 ms, minreq=1.45 ms
> > D: protocol-native.c: Early requests mode enabled, configuring sink latency
> > to minreq.
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=4194304, tlength=44160,
> > base=4, prebuf=44032, minreq=128 maxrewind=0
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=4194304, tlength=44160,
> > base=4, prebuf=44032, minreq=128 maxrewind=0
> > I: protocol-native.c: Final latency 502.13 ms = 497.78 ms + 2*1.45 ms + 1.45
> > ms
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: latency set to 4.00ms
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=1872
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=2225
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requesting rewind due to latency change.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 8192 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 7804 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 1951
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 1951
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 7804 bytes.
> > D: sink.c: Processing rewind...
> > D: sink-input.c: Have to rewind 7804 bytes on render memblockq.
> > E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
> > E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
> > E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
> > E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun!
> > E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
> > E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
> > E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
> > D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> > D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> > D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun!
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun!
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun!
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun!
> > D: sink-input.c: Requesting rewind due to corking
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes idle.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=0
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=7661
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 8192 bytes.
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes idle.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 68 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 17
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 17
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 68 bytes.
> > D: sink.c: Processing rewind...
> > I: sink-input.c: Freeing input 1 "ALSA Playback"
> > I: client.c: Freed 2 "ALSA plug-in [aplay]"
> > I: protocol-native.c: Connection died.
> > I: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 idle for too long,
> > suspending ...
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Device suspended...
> > I: client.c: Created 3 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
> > D: protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 14, local 14
> > I: protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=500 gid=500 success=1
> > D: protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes
> > D: protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: yes
> > I: module-stream-restore.c: Restoring device for stream
> > sink-input-by-application-name:ALSA plug-in [aplay].
> > I: module-stream-restore.c: Restoring volume for sink input
> > sink-input-by-application-name:ALSA plug-in [aplay].
> > D: module-stream-restore.c: Not restoring mute state for sink input
> > sink-input-by-application-name:ALSA plug-in [aplay], because already set.
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Trying resume...
> > D: alsa-util.c: Maximum hw buffer size is 371 ms
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=0
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=7661
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Resumed successfully...
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Starting playback.
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes idle.
> > D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 becomes busy.
> > I: resampler.c: Using resampler 'speex-float-3'
> > I: resampler.c: Using float32le as working format.
> > I: resampler.c: Choosing speex quality setting 3.
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=33554432, tlength=0, base=4,
> > prebuf=0, minreq=1 maxrewind=0
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=33554432, tlength=33554432,
> > base=4, prebuf=0, minreq=4 maxrewind=0
> > I: sink-input.c: Created input 2 "ALSA Playback" on
> > alsa_output.pci_12eb_2_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 with sample spec s16le
> > 2ch 22050Hz and channel map front-left,front-right
> > I: protocol-native.c: Requested tlength=500.68 ms, minreq=1.45 ms
> > D: protocol-native.c: Early requests mode enabled, configuring sink latency
> > to minreq.
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=4194304, tlength=44160,
> > base=4, prebuf=44032, minreq=128 maxrewind=0
> > D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=4194304, tlength=44160,
> > base=4, prebuf=44032, minreq=128 maxrewind=0
> > I: protocol-native.c: Final latency 502.13 ms = 497.78 ms + 2*1.45 ms + 1.45
> > ms
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: latency set to 4.00ms
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused_frames=1872
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=2225
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requesting rewind due to latency change.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 8192 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Limited to 7680 bytes.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: before: 1920
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: after: 1920
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Rewound 7680 bytes.
> > D: sink.c: Processing rewind...
> > D: sink-input.c: Have to rewind 7680 bytes on render memblockq.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA! OUTPUT
> > I: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun!
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA! OUTPUT
> > E: module-alsa-sink.c: ALSA woke us up to write new data to the device, but
> > there was actually nothing to write! Most likely this is an ALSA driver bug.
> > Please report this issue to the PulseAudio developers.
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA! OUTPUT
> > D: module-alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA! OUTPUT
> > 
> > 
> > 2009/12/19 Chris <cpollock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > 
> > > Mandriva 2010.0, Gnome 2.28, pulseaudio
> > > 0.9.19-7mdv2010.0. With pulseaudio enabled in MCC periodically the hd
> > > light will constantly be on for a period of 4 or 5 minutes and system will
> > > slow
> > > down to a crawl. Also these comments will be in syslog:
> > >
> > > pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail() returned a value that is
> > > exceptionally large: 349696 bytes (1821 ms).
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c: Most likely this
> > > is a
> > > bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_via82xx'. Please report this issue to the ALSA
> > > developers.
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_dump():
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c: Hardware PCM card
> > > 1
> > > 'VIA 8237' device 0 subdevice 0
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   stream       :
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   access       :
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   format       :
> > > S16_LE
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   subformat    :
> > > STD
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   channels     : 2
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   rate         :
> > > 48000
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   exact rate   :
> > > 48000
> > > (48000/1)
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   msbits       :
> > > 16
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  :
> > > 16384
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   period_size  :
> > > 8192
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   period_time  :
> > > 170666
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  :
> > > ENABLE
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   avail_min    :
> > > 9665
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   start_threshold
> > >  :
> > > -1
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold
> > > :
> > > 1073741824
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:
> > > silence_threshold: 0
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   boundary     :
> > > 1073741824
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   appl_ptr     :
> > > 767919576
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: alsa-util.c:   hw_ptr       :
> > > 767990616
> > > Dec 14 20:26:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 7 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:26:31 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> > > locally
> > >
> > > I also see this quite frequently:
> > >
> > > Dec 14 20:15:29 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> > > locally
> > > Dec 14 20:15:34 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 657 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:15:34 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> > > locally
> > > Dec 14 20:15:39 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 2508 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:15:39 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> > > locally
> > > Dec 14 20:15:44 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 3530 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:15:44 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> > > locally
> > > Dec 14 20:15:44 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> > > locally
> > > Dec 14 20:15:49 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 2672 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:15:49 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> > > locally
> > > Dec 14 20:16:05 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 2244 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:16:18 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 1 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:16:23 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 1 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:16:34 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 5 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:16:39 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 9 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:16:45 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 11 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:16:50 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 13 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:16:55 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 16 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:17:01 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 17 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:17:06 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 23 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:17:11 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 19 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:17:31 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 23 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:17:36 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 19 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:17:42 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 21 events
> > > suppressed
> > > Dec 14 20:17:47 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 19 events
> > > suppressed
> > >
> > > I have pulseaudio enabled but have glitch-free mode disabled. Any
> > > assistance
> > > in troubleshooting this would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > Chris
> > >
> Anyway to stop this from happening? When it does happen it's causing my
> drive to thrash for about 4-5 minutes or longer as shown below:
> Dec 20 14:35:50 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: ratelimit.c: 271 events
> suppressed
> Dec 20 14:35:50 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> locally
> Dec 20 14:44:15 localhost pulseaudio[4331]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
> locally
I'm still seeing this:

Dec 26 14:53:19 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: ratelimit.c: 468 events
Dec 26 14:53:19 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing
Dec 26 14:53:19 localhost last message repeated 10 times

Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail()
returned a value that is exceptionally large: 88384 bytes (501 ms).
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c: Most likely
this is a bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_ens1371'. Please report this issue
to the ALSA developers.
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_dump():
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c: Hardware PCM
card 1 'Ensoniq AudioPCI' device 0 subdevice 0
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
stream       : PLAYBACK
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
access       : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
format       : S16_LE
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
subformat    : STD
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
channels     : 2
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
rate         : 44100
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:   exact
rate   : 44101 (1445100000/32768)
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
msbits       : 16
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
buffer_size  : 4408
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
period_size  : 1102
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
period_time  : 24988
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
period_step  : 1
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
avail_min    : 1102
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
period_event : 0
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
start_threshold  : -1
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
stop_threshold   : 1155530752
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
silence_threshold: 0
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
silence_size : 0
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
boundary     : 1155530752
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
appl_ptr     : 188107008
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: alsa-util.c:
hw_ptr       : 188130144
Dec 26 16:07:17 localhost pulseaudio[5772]: ratelimit.c: 9 events

though fortunately the drive doesn't seem to be thrashing any more. Is
there anymore information I can provide that will help in
troubleshooting this?


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