2009/7/23 Takashi Iwai <tiwai@xxxxxxx>:> At Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:21:44 +0200,> rom1dep wrote:>>>> Hello !>> I am encountering some issues with pulseaudio : after some time and>> for no evident reason PA stops routing the sound.>> That's what I get with $pulseaudio -vvv :>> http://pastebin.mandriva.com/13648 (got from a kernel)>> running $pacmd list-sinks when stuck gives :>> http://pastebin.mandriva.com/13649>>>> Our pulseaudio integrator Colin Guthrie concluded :>> "OK, so what is happening is that some alsa level problem is occurring>> (due to mmap). Pulse tries to recover from this but cannot. The alsa>> sink (and the whole card) is subsequently unloaded due to this fatal>> error.">> And now.. a quick paste from irc :>> "[00:44:20] <coling> Jul 22 14:04:29 <mezcalero> coling: driver>> issue i am pretty sure>> [00:44:20] <coling> Jul 22 14:04:33 <mezcalero> i saw that before once>> [00:44:20] <coling> Jul 22 14:04:55 <mezcalero> coling: i.e.>> EAGAIN on snd_pcm_prepare after EPIPE on mmap_commit>> This is odd. EAGAIN is returned only at open, read/write and drain> ioctls.>> Could you track with strace?>>> Takashi> It wasn't easy : that big output made my config swap and finallypulseaudio leave for "E: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate dueto CPU overload."but :http://pastebin.mandriva.com/13665_______________________________________________Alsa-devel mailing listAlsa-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://mailman.alsa-project.org/mailman/listinfo/alsa-devel