I confirmed that aplay and plughw:0,1 work fine. Aplay and hw:0,1 don't work at all. And that Xine is the culprit. Now to find out how to fix/work around Xine. Demian Martin Product Design Services -----Original Message----- From: Pavel Hofman [mailto:pavel.hofman@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 7:35 AM To: Vedran Miletić Cc: Demian Martin; alsa-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Juli@ ICE1724 and 24 bit audio What makes you guys think the plug plugin trims the data down to 16bits? Sure if the rate is changed (the source code suggests only the low-quality linear rate algorithm supports above-16bit format - operation convert, the other resampling algorithms convert using the operation convert_s16). Ice1724 supports all the general rates natively, the rate conversion in the plug plugin should not kick in for common audio formats. The only case I can think of would be switching Juli to external SPDIF-IN clock - the hw.rate_min = hw.rate_max = actual_rate and the automatic rate conversion could happen. I did not use the hw device in my tests since all the tested tracks would have to be 32-bit for the hw device to accept the format when played via my favorite aplay. My 2 cents guess is xine does the conversion. Regards, Pavel. _______________________________________________ Alsa-devel mailing list Alsa-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://mailman.alsa-project.org/mailman/listinfo/alsa-devel