alsa-project/alsa-tools issue #26 was edited from juanpc2018: $ alsamixer v1.2.2   HDSPconf 1.4 from alsa-tools-gui   i dont know why iis called DDS Sample Offset but it should be a slider similar to HDSPmixer  DDS "Sample Offsett" is similar to a PLL with a more aggressive rejection of the external clock signal. IF external clock coming from s/pdif is better vs. RME DDS 200pico second jitter clock, worsens the clock. like a blend control: 0% preference for internal DDS clock = 100% preference for external clock, 100% preference for internal DDS clock = 0% preference for external clock. at: [100% DDS]( still follows ext.clock, as a recommendation, Not like an Orchestra Director. 0% DDS, ext.clock becomes like a Whip, internal like a Horse / Slave / [Circus Lion]( Issue URL : Repository URL: