alsaloop doesn't pass sound with libsamplerate resampling on raspberry pi 5

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alsa-project/alsa-utils issue #291 was edited from willangley:

Hi alsa-utils team!

I'm using `alsaloop`s on a Raspberry Pi 5 as part of a slightly ridiculous signal chain:

* Yamaha P-525 keyboard
* USB C-to-A cable
* Raspberry Pi 5
* USB A-to-B cable
* SPDIF in/out
* Focusrite Clarett+ 4Pre
* ...
* MacBook Pro

[Why? The analog Aux In/Aux Out on the keyboard have an always on loopback connection, which is undesirable when playing to a video meeting. The USB port has user controllable loopback.]

Two alsaloop processes run on the Pi, one moving sound from the computer to the piano, one moving sound from the piano to the computer. Both run under `supervisord`.

I've got them running at acceptable latency — RTL Utility says 40ms from my MacBook Pro.

But I haven't been able to get any of the high quality resampling options working -- everything other than add/drop stops passing sound within a few seconds. I'm surprised; this Pi should be powerful enough to handle this. Any ideas how to troubleshoot it?

Thank you!  

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