James Courtier-Dutton has been making drivers for E-mu PCI cards, sothere is a chance that he might be the guy who got the datasheets orknow who did. Maybe you should ask him. 2008/9/26 Klaus Schulz <kls.schlz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:> Yep. But rather by coincidence ( at least a quirk to recognize the card and> a small routine (usbaudio.c) to handle the samples properly has been> implemented).>> First you need to upgrade the firmware via Windows - which is a must. After> that the card defaults to 44,1/16 after power up.> This is the reason why 44.1/16 playback works.>> What's missing, is the complete control of the card modes, register settings> etc.>> If the registers are known, which I assume, according to EMU statement, it> shouldn't be a big deal to get it working.>> Now it would be interesting to know who sits on these information. I'd be> happy to get in touch with him to support the design process.>> Cheers>>>>> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Vedran Miletić <rivanvx@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:>>>> Doesn't it already sort of work with limited functionality?>>>> 2008/9/22 Klaus Schulz <kls.schlz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:>> > Hi folks.>> >>> > I learned that EMU handed over specs related to the EMU 0202/0404 USB to>> > you guys some time ago.>> >>> > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4892734&postcount=157>> >>> > Is anybody assigned to the task?>> >>> > Cheers>> > _______________________________________________>> > Alsa-devel mailing list>> > Alsa-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> > http://mailman.alsa-project.org/mailman/listinfo/alsa-devel>> >>>>>>>>> -->> Vedran Miletić>> -- Vedran Miletić_______________________________________________Alsa-devel mailing listAlsa-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://mailman.alsa-project.org/mailman/listinfo/alsa-devel