I tryied to use the HG versions, but they didn't work well for me. Maybe
you should give the 1.0.16 a try, just to make sure.
I need an asound.conf since my network application uses a very low
latency, that is not default. I am attaching my asound.conf.
Another possible source of problems are the artsd and esd daemons, are
they running?
Hope that helps.
Benjamin van den Hout escreveu:
Gustavo da Silva Serra wrote:
I had some problems until I could figure it out how to configure alsa
properly in /etc/asound.conf. Maybe this could be your problem? What is
your alsa version? I heard that aloop didn't work well until 1.0.15, or
such (alsa guys: is this true?).
My alsa is 1.0.14 but I'm using the 'HG' version of the alsa-drivers and
alsa-kernel packages so that basically gets me the latest-and-greatest
drivers from the source repository if I understand correctly. I saw some
patches coming by in February and they are already in there so I presume I'm
working with the most current source.
I'm intrigued by the asound.conf, is there any specific configuration you
needed to make the aloop device work properly? I'm using the
distro-configured alsa (ubuntu 7.10) and there is no such file somehwere in
/etc. Even on my debian server (running Etch), I can't find it.
Kind regards,
Alsa-devel mailing list
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Gustavo da Silva Serra gustavo.serra@xxxxxxxxxx
Tools & Technologies - T&T Engenheiros Associados Ltda.
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pcm.dmixed {
type dmix
ipc_key 372891
ipc_key_add_uid true
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0,0"
period_time 20000
buffer_time 80000
bindings {
0 0
1 1
pcm.playsoftvol {
type softvol
slave.pcm "dmixed"
control {
name "Master"
card 0
device 0
subdevice 0
pcm.dsnooped {
type dsnoop
ipc_key 573194
ipc_key_add_uid true
slave {
pcm "hw:0,1,0"
period_time 20000
buffer_time 80000
bindings {
0 0
1 1
pcm.fullduplex {
type asym
playback.pcm "playsoftvol"
capture.pcm "dsnooped"
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "fullduplex"
pcm.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "fullduplex"
ctl.mixer0 {
type hw
card 0
device 0
subdevice 0
Alsa-devel mailing list