This page was sent to you by: psa188@xxxxxxxxx BUSINESS | January 26, 2010 Itineraries: Start-Up Airlines Try to Find Room at Airports By SUSAN STELLIN Many new airlines struggle to get access to runway slots and terminal gates at some of the nation's biggest and busiest airports. ---------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS E-MAIL This e-mail was sent to you by a friend through's E-mail This Article service. For general information about, write to help@xxxxxxxxxxxx 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 Copyright 2010 The New York Times Company <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you wish to unsubscribe from the AIRLINE List, please send an E-mail to: "listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Within the body of the text, only write the following:"SIGNOFF AIRLINE".