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Monday, April 6, 2009 (AP)
US airlines took some hassle out of flying in 2008
By JOAN LOWY, Associated Press Writer

   (04-06) 09:29 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --
   U.S. air carriers led by Hawaiian Airlines took some of the hassle out of
flying last year. The airline industry had its best performance in four
years in 2008, private researchers said Monday in their annual study of
airline quality, based on government statistics.
   Right behind Hawaiian in the overall ratings of 17 airlines were AirTran
Airways and JetBlue Airways. The legacy airlines — AMR Corp.'s
American, Continental, Delta and UAL Corp.'s United — were clustered
in the middle, while regional air carriers filled out the bottom rungs.
   After its worst year for customer complaints in more than a decade in
2007, the airline industry last year flew fewer people but treated them
better, arriving on time more often and losing fewer bags. Passengers also
were not as apt to be bumped from flights by overbooking, which was a big
problem when airlines were running at or over capacity.
   The downside: Less flights, higher prices — some airlines now char=
extra for any luggage — and fewer frills.
   The study found consumer complaints dipped from 1.42 per 100,000
passengers in 2007 to 1.15 in 2008. Southwest Airlines had the best rate,
only 0.25 complaints per 100,000 passengers; US Airways had the worst
rate, 2.25.
   Half of all complaints involved baggage or flight problems such as
cancellations, delays or other schedule deviations.
   The average on-time performance last year was 3 percentage points better
than the year before, yet nearly one-quarter of all flights were late. The
study said 12 airlines improved from the previous year, but only three
airlines had better than an 80 percent on-time rate: Hawaiian, 90 percent;
Southwest, 80.5 percent; and US Airways, 80.1 percent.
   American, the nation's largest air carrier as measured by passengers flo=
the most miles, had the worst record, arriving on time only 69.8 percent
of the time.
   The rate of passengers denied boardings — usually bumpings due to
overbooking — dipped slightly, from 1.14 per 10,000 passengers to
1.1 in 2008. Jet Blue had the lowest rate for the second year in a row,
0.01 per 10,000 passengers; Atlantic Southeast Airlines had the highest
rate, 3.89.
   All the airlines did a better job handling passengers' baggage. The
mishandled baggage rate fell from 7.01 bags per 1,000 passengers in 2007
to 5.19 bags in 2008.
   AirTran did the best job, with 2.87 mishandled bags per 1,000 passengers;
American Eagle Airlines, which operates regional flights for American
Airlines, did the worst, at 9.89.
   The study, compiled annually since 1991, is based on Transportation
Department statistics for airlines that carry at least 1 percent of the
passengers who flew domestically last year. The research is sponsored by
St. Louis University in Missouri and by Wichita State University in
   The improved performance was not surprising because 2007 was the worst
year for airlines in the study, researchers said.
   The aviation system suffered close to a meltdown in 2007 as domestic
carriers recorded 770 million passengers — the busiest year for air
travel since before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Aviation experts said
the air transport system had reached capacity.
   There were 741 million passengers in 2008, and airlines are reporting we=
travel demand through the first quarter of this year.
   Co-author Brent Bowen, chairman of aviation science at St. Louis
University's Parks College, said airlines are suffering from the poor
economy despite lower oil prices.
   "It remains to be seen if the airlines can benefit from lower oil prices
alongside a severe drop in passenger revenue this year," Bowen said.
   Dean Headley, an associate professor of marketing at Wichita State and
co-author, urged Congress to take advantage of this "breathing room" to
move forward on a system that would replace decades-old radar technology
with satellite-based technology.
   That new system is forecast to increase air transportation system capaci=
by enabling planes to fly closer together and more directly to their
destinations, saving time and fuel.
   "It's crazy to think we can keep going the way we were going with the
volume of planes we have in the air," Headley said.
   On the Net:
   Federal Aviation Administration: www.faa.gov
   Bureau of Transportation Statistics: www.bts.gov
   Study site: www.aqr.aero/ ----------------------------------------------=
Copyright 2009 AP


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