----- Forwarded Post ----- From: Market Wire - Aerospace and Defense Published: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:42:10 PM Headline: TSA: TSA Issues Advisory for Travel to Venezuela WASHINGTON, DC (MARKET WIRE) The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration (TSA) today announced that the agency has been unable to assess security measures at international airports in Venezuela that serve as the last point of departure for nonstop flights to the United States. Venezuela has refused multiple requests to allow for such assessments, which are required by U.S. law, and the agency is taking action to warn travelers of this security deficiency. http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTJiMWhtbW5sBFJfYWlkAzAEUl9kbW4DbWFya2V0d2lyZS5jb20EUl9maWQDNWEwNjg5MTA5NzYyNjMwNDhlZmExMTU3YjFhZGI3YWEEUl9sdHADMQ--/SIG=12ijfh0p6/**http%3A//www2.marketwire.com/mw/release_html_b1%3Frelease_id=431754%26tsource=3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you wish to unsubscribe from the AIRLINE List, please send an E-mail to: "listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Within the body of the text, only write the following:"SIGNOFF AIRLINE".