Was anyone there? ----- Forwarded Post ----- From: wnbc.com - Local News - New York Published: Friday, August 1, 2008 9:57:18 PM Headline: Super Jumbo Jet Makes Historic JFK Landing The new generation double-decker plane, which has a wingspan of 261 feet and 8 inches and length of 238 feet and 6 inches, made a historic landing at John F. Kennedy International Airport Friday. http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTI1OTNhMWZoBFJfYWlkAzAEUl9kbW4Dd25iYy5jb20EUl9maWQDOWIxNzgyNmIwZDdkNDNhYmZiOGNjNzdiN2YzODk0MTUEUl9sdHADMQ--/SIG=126gn9gqb/**http%3A//www.wnbc.com/news/17056700/detail.html%3Frss=ny%26psp=news <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you wish to unsubscribe from the AIRLINE List, please send an E-mail to: "listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Within the body of the text, only write the following:"SIGNOFF AIRLINE".