=20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This article was sent to you by someone who found it on SFGate. The original article can be found on SFGate.com here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=3D/c/a/2008/07/20/TR0F11NPTB= .DTL --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, July 20, 2008 (SF Chronicle) Sound off to airlines about sky-high fees Arthur Frommer Those vexatious new fees on the airlines (fees for an aisle or window seat, fees for soft drinks, fees for luggage checked aboard, fees for talking to a telephone reservationist) remind me of what Mark Twain said about the weather: Everyone talks about it, but no one does anything. Or is that necessarily the case? Seems to me that if we complain sufficiently about the new $2 fee for a bottle of water (imposed, so far, by US Airways starting Aug. 1), that someone at that company may come to his or her senses. Of all the new fees, this one is just indefensible. While airlines obviously have the right to charge for soda - many do - I have to wonder about the fairness of charging for a basic human requirement such as water. If were easier for passengers to bring their own water aboard, there would be no argument from me. But because the Transportation Security Administration has banned fluids at the security checkpoint, bringing your own water is now a huge hassle, at minimum. I suppose a passenger theoretically could drink from the airplane's lavatory taps, but study after study has hinted that many planes' on-board water supply contains iffy levels of bacteria. There's no way of telling whether the airplane you are boarding has been colonized by germs brought aboard at some remote continent. Let US Airways hear from you! And keep in mind, with respect to all those other fees, that you can express your disdain by shunning the airlines that impose them. So far, that $15 one-way fee for checking a first suitcase is charged only by American, United, US Airways, Spirit and Allegiant. The rest don't - yet. Let's try to put off a like decision by patronizing the carriers that haven't yet adopted the suitcase penalty. Let's also remember that nearly every airline except Southwest makes you pay an extra $10 or $15 if you make your reservations over the phone. Let's try to give an edge to Southwest in choosing carriers. Let's also remember that AirTran and Southwest are currently the only carriers that impose no charge if you change your reservation from one flight to a different one; let's honor AirTran and Southwest for doing so. (Delta and United charge the most - $50 - for that change of flight.) Says Southwest: "We despise fees as much as the other airlines seem to love them. So we'll just keep taking care of you, rather than charging fees for the stuff that should come with your fare in the first place. We believe in not asking you to pull out your wallet every few minutes." To comment, visit sfgate.com/travel and follow the links. --------------= -------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2008 SF Chronicle <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you wish to unsubscribe from the AIRLINE List, please send an E-mail to: "listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Within the body of the text, only write the following:"SIGNOFF AIRLINE".