Fw: Did Air Traffic Staff Woes Stall Flights?

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I wonder if some union guy was able to slip that into the FAA Alert message=
.=0A=0A=0ADid Staff Woes Stall Laguardia Flights?=0AAir Traffic Controllers=
 Say FAA Halted Flights Because of 'Staffing'=0ABy KRISTINA WONG=0AJuly 20,=
 2008=97 =0AWhen all flights scheduled to fly into New York's Laguardia Air=
port=0Awere postponed for more than an hour Friday evening, to most travele=
rs=0Ait might have seemed like business as usual. =0ABut according to the a=
ir traffic controllers union, the delays=0Awere the result of an advisory i=
ssued by the Federal Aviation=0AAdministration because of understaffing in =
the control towers. =0ANational Air Traffic Controllers Association spokesm=
an Doug=0AChurch said the FAA issued an advisory Friday afternoon to airpor=
ts and=0Aairport management facilities nationwide that prevented all flight=
s=0Afrom landing at LaGuardia Airport in New York from 7:40 p.m. to 8:45=0A=
p.m., due to understaffing of air traffic controllers at the New York=0ATer=
minal Radar Approach Control, which oversees all air traffic into=0ANew Yor=
k airports and is staffed by the FAA. =0AThe advisory can be found on the F=
AA's Web site. =0ADean Iacopelli, air traffic controller and NATCA represen=
tative=0Aat the New York Terminal Radar Approach Control, emailed ABC News =
a=0Acopy of an "Airport Status Information" notice he obtained also from=0A=
the FAA Web site on Friday. =0AIt read: "Due to OTHER / STAFFING, there is =
a Traffic=0AManagement Program in effect for traffic arriving La Guardia Ai=
rport,=0ANew York, NY (LGA)." =0AFAA communications director Lynn Tierney s=
aid she was not aware=0Aof any such advisory or delay due to staffing issue=
s, but that she=0Awould double check. She said, however, she was aware of a=
 ground delay=0Adue to other reasons -- one in Newark due to "wind," which =
she said=0Adelayed Republican presidential contender John McCain's plane fr=
om=0AMichigan, and another one due to "traffic" at the John F. Kennedy=0AIn=
ternational Airport in New York. =0AArlene Salac, FAA spokeswoman for all e=
astern air traffic, said=0Athat "all delays we experienced were because of =
weather and volume" --=0Anot because of inadequate staffing. =0ASalac confi=
rmed that one air traffic controller scheduled to=0Awork Friday evening at =
Laguardia called in sick, bringing the number of=0Acontrollers working that=
 shift to eight. She said eight to 10 air=0Atraffic controllers are typical=
ly on duty at a time. =0AHowever, FAA spokeswoman Marcia Adams later told=
=0AABCNews.com that there were several advisories sent out Friday for the=
=0ANew York region. =0A"One was for staffing, and the others were for weath=
er and other factors," Adams said. =0AWhen asked what "staffing" meant, she=
 said there were "multiple=0Aissues -- weather, thunderstorms in the New Yo=
rk region" and that "not=0Aeverything was attributed to staffing." =0AAdams=
 said occasionally there are "sick calls" and that there=0Ais nothing unusu=
al about it, saying "the FAA plans and adjusts for it."=0AShe said the FAA =
was currently carrying out an "analysis and=0Aevaluation" to see if the adv=
isory related to "staffing" resulted in=0Aany delays. =0ANATCA representati=
ves point to the delays Friday as one of the=0Aconsequences of what they sa=
y are problems in the FAA, which they say=0Ais pushing out experienced air =
traffic controllers and hiring new=0Ainexperienced and unqualified recruits=
. =0A"This has been a chronic problem that's flared up on several=0Aoccasio=
ns where they don't have anyone else to call in on overtime, and=0Athey jus=
t have to end up slowing the system down for safety," Church=0Asaid. =0ANea=
rly Three Decades of Labor Disputes=0AThe FAA and NATCA have been in a bitt=
er contract fight since 2006,=0Awhen the FAA imposed new labor and pay rule=
s on the controllers. =0AAccording to Iacopelli, the new rules cut air traf=
fic=0Acontrollers' pay and encourage seasoned air traffic controllers to=0A=
retire. For example, he said, under the current rules, air traffic=0Acontro=
llers are not eligible for any federal pay raises. Yet, if they=0Aretire, t=
hey receive increases. This is a problem, he said, since it=0Aleaves fewer =
experienced controllers to train new recruits. =0AThe dispute extends to Co=
ngress, where Iacopelli said NATCA is=0Aworking to pass S.R. 1300, which wo=
uld reopen FAA-union negotiations. =0ABut the battle goes back even further=
, to 1981, when President=0AReagan fired all air traffic controllers after =
the PATCO strike,=0ATierney said. =0AAround 1998, she said, the union negot=
iated a favorable=0Acontract that air traffic controllers worked under unti=
l 2006, when the=0AFAA imposed the new rules. =0AAs many of the air traffic=
 controllers who worked under those=0Aterms approach the retirement age of =
56, the FAA has been trying to=0Achange the terms of that contract and recr=
uit and train new=0Acontrollers. The FAA has said it expects to replace nea=
rly its entire=0Aworkforce over the next 10 years. =0ANATCA says those new =
hiring and recruitment practices, such as=0Athose that target high school s=
tudents, are irresponsible and put air=0Atravelers at risk. =0A"They're rec=
ruiting out of high schools -- you no longer need a=0Acollege degree. ... Y=
ou're sitting in a room with people who took a=0Atest in the back of a mobi=
le home," Iacopelli said. "These are people=0Awith no work experience, who =
don't even know what it's like to have a=0Ajob." =0ABut Tierney said the un=
ion was trying to scare people into=0Athinking the FAA's oversight and mana=
gement of air traffic controllers=0Awas broken and that its staffing practi=
ces presented national security=0Arisks, to use that to negotiate a new con=
tract. =0A"What they're [complaining] about is they're saying we're=0Asendi=
ng all these new kids to the facilities. No new kid who's not=0Atrained jus=
t goes into a facility," Tierney said.=0ACopyright =A9 2008 ABC News Intern=
et Ventures


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