3 New York City-area airports may get auctions to cut delays=0ABloomberg Ne= ws =95 December 5, 2007=0A=0AU.S. regulators may use an auction system to c= urb delays at New York City's airports by giving airlines financial incenti= ves to use fewer aircraft or shift flights to off-peak hours.=0A=0ABidding = for takeoff and landing slots is one of the options being considered at Ken= nedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport in New York and Liberty In= ternational Airport in Newark, New Jersey, said D.J. Gribbin, the U.S. Tran= sportation Department's general counsel.=0A=0AThe three airports are the mo= st congested in the U.S., with fewer than 62 percent of flights arriving on= time this year. Auctions involve putting at least some departure and arriv= al times up for bid, prompting carriers to save money and reduce congestion= by combining flights or shifting trips to less costly hours.=0A=0AAuctions= are "definitely one of the options we're considering," Gribbin said in an = interview yesterday. "We're considering pretty much everything at this stag= e."=0A=0ATransportation Secretary Mary Peters will recommend specific actio= ns before the end of the month, Gribbin said. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you wish to unsubscribe from the AIRLINE List, please send an E-mail to: "listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Within the body of the text, only write the following:"SIGNOFF AIRLINE".