Airlines workers sacrifice camel at airport=0AWed Dec 13, 2006 9:41am ET=0A= =0Aadvertisement =0AOddly Enough News=0ANew York women release anger -- b= y Jell-O wrestling=0AMan in Germany stops Brazil robbery via Internet=0APlo= t to smuggle drugs in lollipops foiled=0AVIDEO: Your dream job with toy bri= cks?=0AMore Oddly Enough News...=0A =0AEmail This Article | Print This Arti= cle | Reprints =0A[-] Text [+] ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Workers at Turkish Airl= ines celebrated a job well done by sacrificing a camel at Istanbul airport = and their boss has now been suspended.=0AThe national flag-carrier said on = Wednesday maintenance staff killed the camel at Turkey's busiest airport af= ter sending a batch of aircraft back to the supplier ahead of schedule.=0AT= urkish Airlines has suspended the head of plane maintenance pending an inve= stigation, the company said in a statement.=0ATurkish newspapers carried pi= ctures of the camel, two rugs thrown over his hump, ahead of Tuesday's sacr= ifice. They also showed pictures of the beast chopped up into chunks of mea= t.=0AReuters Pictures=0A =0AEditors Choice: Best pictures=0Afrom the last 2= 4 hours.=0AView Slideshow=0ATop-selling daily Hurriyet said 700 kilos of ca= mel meat were distributed among the workers. Turkish Airlines was accepted = last week into the Lufthansa-led Star Alliance.=0AMany Turks slaughter anim= als, usually sheep or cattle, in an annual Muslim festival called the Festi= val of the Sacrifice, which falls in early January.=0A=A9 Reuters 2006. All= Rights Reserved.