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thanks=0A =0A =0AView our videos at:
ewrw4co=0A =0ARoger & Amanda La France=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Original Message --=
--=0AFrom: Alireza Alivandivafa <democrat2n@xxxxxxx>=0ATo: AIRLINE@LISTSERV=
.CUNY.EDU=0ASent: Friday, October 20, 2006 5:38:58 PM=0ASubject: Re: [Sky-1=
 winglets on the 737NGs have been shown, primarily by WN, to increase fuel =
economy on short hauls as well as long hauls, and this was back when oil wa=
s under $40 a barrel.  While the 737Classic winglet program doesn't do as m=
uch for the aircraft as the 737NG program, with oil at these prices, it sti=
ll makes a massive difference.  Add to that CO's very high leasing costs on=
 the 735s and it makes a lot of sense.=0A=0A=0A-----Original Message-----=
=0AFrom: lafrance@xxxxxxxxxxx=0ATo: AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=0ASent: Thu, =
19 Oct 2006 7:11 AM=0ASubject: Re: [Sky-1] CONTINENTAL AIRLINES ANNOUNCES T=
HIRD QUARTER PROFIT=0A=0A=0AJust noticed in the press release, 737-500 wing=
lets. Will this actually mak=3D=0Ae any difference with such short flights =
they do.=3D0A =3D0A =3D0AView our videos=3D=0Aat:
ofile?user=3D3Dewrw4co=3D0A =3D0ARoger & Amanda La =3D=0AFrance=3D0A=3D0A=
=3D0A=3D0A----- Original Message ----=3D0AFrom: Roger LaFrance <lafra=3D=0A=
nce@xxxxxxxxxxx>=3D0ATo: Airline List <AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Skyone <=
sk=3D=0Ayone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Airline2 Yahoo <airline2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>=3D=
0ASent: Th=3D=0Aursday, October 19, 2006 7:46:50 AM=3D0ASubject: [Sky-1] CO=
rofit sharing pool now exceeds $100 mil=3D=0Alion=3D0A =3D0AHOUSTON, Octobe=
r 19, 2006 -- Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) to=3D=0Aday reported third q=
uarter 2006 net income of $237 million ($2.17 diluted e=3D=0Aarnings per sh=
are), which includes a $92 million gain on the sale of a port=3D=0Aion of t=
he company=3D92s investment in Copa Airlines.  Excluding net special =3D=0A=
charges of $1 million and the $92 million Copa gain, Continental recorded n=
=3D=0Aet income of $146 million ($1.36 diluted earnings per share). =3D0AOp=
erating =3D=0Aincome for the third quarter was $192 million, an $83 million=
 improvement o=3D=0Aver the same period of 2005, despite fuel price increas=
es costing over $155=3D=0Amillion and the negative impact of increased secu=
rity measures that took e=3D=0Affect on Aug. 10.  In addition, results for =
the third quarter of 2006 inclu=3D=0Ade a $42 million accrual for employee =
profit sharing, bringing the cumulati=3D=0Ave accrued profit sharing pool t=
o over $100 million.    =3D0A =3D93Thanks to th=3D=0Ae hard work of my co-w=
orkers, we are delivering great results, both financi=3D=0Aally and operati=
onally,=3D94 said Larry Kellner, Continental=3D92s chairman and=3D=0Achief =
executive officer.  =3D93When we work together, we win together.=3D94=3D0A=
=3D=0AThird Quarter Revenue and Capacity=3D0APassenger revenue for the quar=
ter incr=3D=0Aeased 17.1 percent ($471 million) over the same period in 200=
5, to $3.2 bil=3D=0Alion, with double digit percentage growth in each mainl=
ine geographic regio=3D=0An and in regional jet operations.  Additional cap=
acity and traffic, both do=3D=0Amestic and international, and improved yiel=
d produced significantly higher =3D=0Arevenue for the company.  Consolidate=
d revenue per available seat mile (RAS=3D=0AM) for the quarter increased 7.=
4 percent year-over-year due to increased yi=3D=0Aeld and record load facto=
rs in spite of elevated security concerns.  =3D0ACon=3D=0Atinental continue=
d its capacity growth during the quarter, growing its main=3D=0Aline capaci=
ty 8.6 percent and its consolidated capacity 9.1 percent compare=3D=0Ad wit=
h the same period in 2005.  =3D0AConsolidated revenue passenger miles (R=3D=
=0APMs) for the quarter increased 10.5 percent year-over-year on a capacity=
 in=3D=0Acrease of 9.1 percent, resulting in a record consolidated load fac=
tor for t=3D=0Ahe quarter of 82.2 percent, 1.1 points above the previous re=
cord set in the=3D=0Asame period in 2005.  Consolidated yield increased 6.0=
 percent year-over-y=3D=0Aear.  =3D0A Mainline RPMs in the third quarter of=
 2006 increased 10.0 percent=3D=0Aover the third quarter 2005, on a capacit=
y increase of 8.6 percent.  Mainl=3D=0Aine load factor was a record 82.7 pe=
rcent, up 1.0 points year-over-year.  C=3D=0Aontinental=3D92s mainline yiel=
d during the quarter increased 5.5 percent over=3D=0Athe same period in 200=
5.=3D0ADuring the quarter, Continental continued to ac=3D=0Ahieve a domesti=
c length-of-haul adjusted yield and RASM premium to the indu=3D=0Astry.=3D0=
APassenger revenue for the third quarter of 2006 and period-to-perio=3D=0Ad=
 comparisons of related =3D0Astatistics by geographic region for the compan=
y=3D=0A=3D92s mainline and regional operations are as follows:=3D0A=3D0A=3D=
0A=3D0APassenger=3D=0A=3D0ARevenue=3D0A(in millions)Percentage Increase in=
=3D0AThird Quarter 2006 vs. T=3D=0Ahird Quarter 2005=3D0APassenger=3D0AReve=
nue =3D0ARASM=3D0AASMs=3D0A     =3D0ADomestic$1=3D=0A,389 14.1% 7.6% 6.1% =
=3D0ATrans-Atlantic636 16.7% 1.4% 15.1% =3D0ALatin America=3D=0A354 24.3% 1=
0.0% 12.9% =3D0APacific251 13.4% 12.2% 1.0% =3D0ATotal Mainline$2,63=3D=0A0=
 16.0% 6.8% 8.6% =3D0A         =3D0ARegional$   601 22.3% 8.6% 12.6% =3D0A =
     =3D=0A   =3D0AConsolidated$3,231 17.1% 7.4% 9.1% =3D0A=3D0A =3D0AOpera=
tional Accomplishme=3D=0Ants=3D0AContinental=3D92s employees continued to w=
ork together to deliver a rec=3D=0Aord third quarter systemwide mainline co=
mpletion factor of 99.8 percent dur=3D=0Aing the quarter, operating 28 days=
 without a single mainline cancellation. =3D=0AThe company recorded a U.S. =
Department of Transportation (DOT) on-time arr=3D=0Aival rate of 75.1 perce=
nt during the quarter, which was affected by bad wea=3D=0Ather, air traffic=
 control ground delay programs, new security rules and rec=3D=0Aord load fa=
ctors.=3D0A=3D93My co-workers did a tremendous job this quarter, and=3D=0Ae=
arned on-time bonuses for two out of the three months, despite operationa=
=3D=0Al challenges,=3D94 said Jeff Smisek, Continental=3D92s president.  =
=3D93I couldn=3D=0A=3D92t be prouder of them, and I=3D92m delighted that ou=
r financial results hav=3D=0Ae permitted us to accrue over $100 million of =
profit sharing for my co-work=3D=0Aers.=3D94=3D0AContinental Airlines conti=
nues to be recognized for superior serv=3D=0Aice.  For the ninth year in a =
row, Continental outranked all of its U.S. co=3D=0Ampetition in internation=
al Business Class service, according to results of =3D=0Aa survey of Cond=
=3DE9 Nast Traveler readers published in the magazine=3D92s Oct=3D=0Aober 2=
006 edition.  Continental also placed highest among its network peers=3D=0A=
for domestic premium-class service.  Rankings were determined using a vari=
=3D=0Aety of criteria including seat comfort/legroom, food, cabin service, =
amenit=3D=0Aies/technolog y, airport lounge clubs and frequent-flier privil=
eges.=3D0ADuri=3D=0Ang the quarter, Continental submitted its case to the D=
OT for authority to =3D=0Aserve New York/Newark- Shanghai, the largest U.S.=
-China market currently wi=3D=0Athout daily nonstop service.    The route p=
roceeding is supported by over 1=3D=0A10,000 signatures from civic parties,=
 corporate travel partners, Continenta=3D=0Al employees, elected officials,=
 the airline=3D92s customers and other interes=3D=0Ated citizens. =3D0AThir=
d Quarter Financial Results=3D0AContinental=3D92s mainline=3D=0Acost per av=
ailable seat mile (CASM) increased 5.9 percent in the third qua=3D=0Arter c=
ompared to the same period last year, primarily due to record high fu=3D=0A=
el prices.  CASM decreased 0.8 percent holding fuel rate constant and exclu=
=3D=0Ading employee profit sharing accruals and related payroll taxes, and =
specia=3D=0Al charges.  =3D0A=3D93It=3D92s great to report another quarter =
of solid performan=3D=0Ace,=3D94 said Jeff Misner, Continental=3D92s execut=
ive vice president and chief=3D=0Afinancial officer.  =3D93Our cost control=
 performance remains on target, and=3D=0Awe=3D92ll keep our focus, even in =
this improved revenue environment.=3D94  =3D0A=3D=0AMainline fuel costs for=
 the quarter increased $174 million over the third q=3D=0Auarter of 2005, p=
rimarily due to a 17.8 percent increase in fuel prices com=3D=0Apared to th=
e same period last year.  =3D0AContinental continues to enhance it=3D=0As f=
uel efficient fleet.  Today the company announced that it has signed an =3D=
=0Aagreement to acquire winglets for 37 of its 737-500 and 11 of its long-r=
ang=3D=0Ae 737-300 aircraft, with installation beginning in 2007.  The comp=
any has a=3D=0Already completed the installation of winglets on its entire =
fleet of 737-70=3D=0A0s and -800s and plans to finish the installation of w=
inglets on its entire=3D=0A757-200 fleet in the fourth quarter of 2006.  Wh=
en these installations are=3D=0Acomplete, Continental will operate 230 narr=
owbody aircraft outfitted with =3D=0Awinglets.  Winglets lower drag and imp=
rove aerodynamic efficiency, which ca=3D=0An reduce fuel consumption by up =
to five percent.=3D0A            By year-end,=3D=0Athe company expects to h=
ave improved fuel efficiency by nearly 25 percent =3D=0Aper available seat =
mile as compared to 1998, as a result of several factors=3D=0A, including f=
leet modernization, improved operating procedures and implemen=3D=0Atation =
of fuel-saving technology like winglets and GE90 3D Aero blades.=3D0AD=3D=
=0Auring the third quarter, Continental recorded net special charges of $1 =
mil=3D=0Alion consisting of an $8 million settlement charge related to lump=
-sum paym=3D=0Aents to retiring pilots and a $7 million reduction of previo=
us charges rela=3D=0Ated to permanently grounded MD-80 aircraft.=3D0AContin=
ental ended the third q=3D=0Auarter with approximately $2.5 billion in unre=
stricted cash and short-term =3D=0Ainvestments.=3D0AOther Accomplishments=
=3D0AContinental contributed $79 million =3D=0Ato its pension plans during =
the quarter and an additional $70 million to th=3D=0Ae plans in October.  T=
he contributions bring its 2006 pension contributions=3D=0Ato $246 million.=
  Since the beginning of 2002, Continental has contributed=3D=0Amore than $=
1.1 billion to its pension plans.=3D0AContinental has accrued a c=3D=0Aumul=
ative profit sharing pool of over $100 million through Sept. 30, 2006. =3D=
=0AThe actual amount of profit sharing that the company will be able to dis=
tr=3D=0Aibute to employees on Feb. 14, 2007, depends on the company=3D92s f=
ull-year f=3D=0Ainancial results and may exceed or be less than $100 millio=
n.  =3D0AContinent=3D=0Aal converted 12 existing orders for Boeing 737 Next=
 Generation aircraft int=3D=0Ao orders for 12 new Boeing 737-900ERs, expect=
ed to be delivered in 2008.  C=3D=0Aontinental is the first U.S. carrier to=
 order the extended-range twinjet th=3D=0Aat flies about 500 nautical miles=
 farther than the existing 737-900.  The n=3D=0Aew aircraft will have among=
 the lowest operating costs in Continental=3D92s f=3D=0Aleet and will allow=
 the carrier to serve high demand markets more efficient=3D=0Aly.  =3D0ACon=
tinental amended its $350 million loan facility secured by subst=3D=0Aantia=
lly all of its Pacific operations. The amended loan agreement lowered =3D=
=0Athe interest rate, which is expected to save the =3D0Acompany approximat=
ely $=3D=0A6 million annually.  =3D0AContinental was awarded a $258 million=
, five-year m=3D=0Aail contract with the U.S. Postal Service, the company=
=3D92s largest cargo cu=3D=0Astomer, effective September 30, 2006, extendin=
g Continental=3D92s relationshi=3D=0Ap with the U.S. Postal Service for fiv=
e more years.  The contract includes =3D=0APriority, First Class and Expres=
s mail products within the U.S. and Puerto =3D=0ARico.  =3D0ACorporate Back=
ground=3D0AContinental Airlines is the world=3D92s fift=3D=0Ah largest airl=
ine.  Continental, together with Continental Express and Cont=3D=0Ainental =
Connection, has more than 3,200 daily departures throughout the Ame=3D=0Ari=
cas, Europe and Asia, serving 151 domestic and 136 international destinat=
=3D=0Aions. More than 400 additional points are served via SkyTeam alliance=
 airli=3D=0Anes.  With more than 43,000 employees, Continental has hubs ser=
ving New Yor=3D=0Ak, Houston, Cleveland and Guam, and together with Contine=
ntal Express, carr=3D=0Aies approximately 61 million passengers per year. C=
ontinental consistently =3D=0Aearns awards and critical acclaim for both it=
s operation and its corporate =3D=0Aculture.  For more company information,=
 visit continental. com. =3D0AContinen=3D=0Atal Airlines will conduct a reg=
ular quarterly telephone briefing today to d=3D=0Aiscuss these results and =
the company's financial and operating outlook with=3D=0Athe financial commu=
nity and news media at 9:30 a.m. CT/10:30 a.m. ET. To l=3D=0Aisten to a liv=
e broadcast of this briefing, go to continental. com/company.=3D=0A=3D0AThi=
s press release contains forward-looking statements that are not limi=3D=0A=
ted to historical facts, but reflect the company's current beliefs, expecta=
=3D=0Ations or intentions regarding future events. All forward-looking stat=
ements=3D=0Ainvolve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results=
 to differ =3D=0Amaterially from those in the forward-looking statements. F=
or examples of su=3D=0Ach risks and uncertainties, please see the risk fact=
ors set forth in the co=3D=0Ampany's 2005 10-K and its other securities fil=
ings, including any amendment=3D=0As thereto, which identify important matt=
ers such as the consequences of our=3D=0Asignificant financial losses and h=
igh leverage, terrorist attacks, domesti=3D=0Ac and international economic =
conditions, the significant cost of aircraft f=3D=0Auel, labor costs, compe=
tition, and industry conditions, including the deman=3D=0Ad for air travel,=
 the airline pricing environment and industry capacity dec=3D=0Aisions, reg=
ulatory matters, disruptions in its computer systems, and the se=3D=0Aasona=
l nature of=0Athe airline business. The company undertakes no obligation to=
 publicly upd=3D=0Aate or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect =
events or circumsta=3D=0Ances that may arise after the date of this press r=
elease. =3D0A =3D0A =3D0AView o=3D=0Aur videos at: com/=
profile? user=3D3Dewrw4co=3D0A =3D0ARoger &=3D=0AAmanda La France=3D0A__._,=
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