This page was sent to you by: psa188@xxxxxxxxx BUSINESS / WORLD BUSINESS | June 6, 2006 Cathay Pacific Deal Is Seen to Gain Control of Dragonair By KEITH BRADSHER Cathay Pacific Airways is on the verge of taking full control of Dragonair to become the main foreign carrier serving China. ----------------- Advertisement -------------------------- <!-- ADXINFO classification="text_ad" campaign="foxsearch2006-emailtools08-nyt1"-->/--------- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight Pictures ------------\ WATER ? In theatres April 28th See the controversial film Time Magazine proclaims "A Triumph." Set in 1938 Colonial India, against Mahatma Gandhi's rise to power, Water begins when 8-year-old Chuyia is widowed and sent to a home where Hindu widows must live in penitence. Chuyia's feisty presence deeply affects the lives of the other residents, including a young widow, who falls for a Gandhian idealist.;at.orgfxs00000892/01/ ----------------- Advertisement -------------------------- 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS E-MAIL This e-mail was sent to you by a friend through's E-mail This Article service. For general information about, write to help@xxxxxxxxxxxx 500 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10018 Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company