[NAVY MEETING ON HANGAR ONE. 7 PM TUESDAY, MAY 23 (OPEN HOUSE AT 5 PM). = = BUILDING 943, JUST OUTSIDE THE MOFFETT BLVD. GATE TO MOFFETT FIELD.] It seems like we've been doing a fairly good job of publicizing = Tuesday's (May 23) Navy meeting. I would hope that by now most aware = people in our area know that Hangar One is threatened. And most of them = = clearly want to save it. The last step, in mobilizing people, is = convincing them that it's worth devoting an evening to what appears to = be an uphill struggle. This is best done by word of mouth. Talk to people you know, who aren't = = sure about coming Tuesday night. Tell them we need a massive turnout, = not only to get the Navy to reconsider its proposal, but to convince our= = elected officials to lend the full force of their offices to our effort.= = And if you can't talk to your friends and associates directly, send one = = last e-mail. Forward this note if you can't figure out what to say. Also, make sure that they know that this community has effectively = organized in the recent past to force the Navy to reconsider what many = of us have considered inadequate cleanup plans. I realize that not = everyone working to save the Hangar was involved in the wetlands cleanup= = and restoration fight, but it lasted six years and overturned three = successive, unacceptable Navy cleanup plans, all of which appeared to = have the support of the regulatory agencies. WE CAN WIN! Finally, we each will have up to three minutes to express ourselves at = the Navy forum. The Navy won't answer questions - though it promises to = = respond eventually to all comments. We have a number of people who have = = been researching the technical and legal issues, so that base is = covered. One of the most effective approaches is simply to talk about = your own personal connection to the hangar: why you, personally, believe= = it should be saved. See you Tuesday night! And remember, SHOC meets again 7 pm Monday = evening June 5, at the Moffett Museum. Lenny -- = Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 http://www.cpeo.org __________________ Support Team Twin Towers: http://teamtwintowers.org/ The Unofficial JFK Airport 50th Anniversary Page: http://members.tripod.= com/~psa188/ The best slide auction on the net: http://www.auctiontransportation.com/sites/psa188/ /sites/psa188/