Pieces Of FedEx Jet Fall In North N.J. POSTED: 12:51 pm EST March 28, 2006 UPDATED: 1:54 pm EST March 28, 2006 Email This Story | Print This Story NUTLEY, N.J. -- Pieces of an engine covering from a FedEx Corp. jet flying from Newark to California fell here early Tuesday, authorities said. No one was injured and the plane was able to land at its destination safely. FedEx flight 1020, a DC-10 model aircraft, departed Newark Liberty International Airport at 1:59 a.m., said Arlene Murray, a spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration. Just after 2 a.m., four pieces of an engine cover tore off and dropped to the ground, she said. // Set DC ad position if(typeof dcadposition == 'undefined')dcadposition = 1; else dcadposition++; if (typeof segQS == 'undefined')segQS=''; if (typeof adid == 'undefined')adid='false'; document.write(""); on error resume next plugin=(IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"))) ',300,250,-97813,160559,'0','321',-1,-1,'');}else{setTimeout('if(document.pradi2){document.pradi2.onload()}',200);}" useMap=#prmp2160559 border=0 name=pradi2> ','300','250','1','1',160559,97813,'0','321');" onclick="pr_trk('ac',160559,1);" onmouseout="if(typeof(prRoll)=='function')prBExit(event);" shape=RECT target=_new coords=0,0,300,250 href="http://ad.doubleclick.net/click;h=v5|33b6|3|0|*|c;27310243;0-0;0;12662537;4307-300|250;14870719|14888615|1;;~sscs=?http://clk.atdmt.com/AVE/go/ntrgi8541070000021ave/direct;at.pr_Weather1_AffordFY06JFM4355;ct./01/&0.03745067771794047"> if ((!document.images & navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/2.") >= 0) || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebTV")>= 0) { document.write(""); document.write(""); } The biggest piece -- about 8-feet by 5-feet -- fell on a street in this residential community, Murray said. The other pieces were 5-by-3 feet and a narrower, 3-foot-long piece; the fourth has yet to be examined by the federal agency, she said. Murray said the fourth piece was smaller than the others. The plane landed safely in Oakland, Calif., she said. The FAA and the shipping company are investigating, federal and company officials said. "We're grateful obviously that there was no damage and that the pieces fell harmlessly to the ground," said Sally Davenport, a FedEx spokeswoman. "We certainly want to get to the bottom of this." © 2006 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Roger & Amanda La France