----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Hough" <psa188@xxxxxxxx> To: <AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 11:55 AM Subject: SFGate: Airbus Tests A380 in Extreme Cold of Nunavut About 55 Airbus engineers are now working on the giant jet, which has a takeoff weight of 155 metric tons (171 U.S. tons) and a wingspan of 262 feet. Its eight-story-high tail fin is now one of the tallest structures in Iqaluit. It's got to weigh a lot more than that! Maybe they're talking empty. (8^) Gerry http://www.pbase.com/gfoley9999/ http://www.wilowud.net/ http://home.columbus.rr.com/gfoley http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/pollock/263/egypt/egypt.html