SFGate: Tower of power/SFO air traffic controllers' job is plane balletic as they coordinate takeoffs and landings

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Friday, December 16, 2005 (SF Chronicle)
Tower of power/SFO air traffic controllers' job is plane balletic as they c=
oordinate takeoffs and landings
Janet Somers, Special to The Chronicle

   All seemed relaxed on a recent morning at San Francisco International
Airport's "cab," the octagonal room with the shaded windows at the top of
the tower where air traffic controllers do their jobs. Light rock music
emanated softly from a boom box, and the six controllers on duty seemed to
be just hanging out. Possibly, they were bored: The job has been described
as "hours of pure boredom punctuated by seconds of sheer terror." Radar
screens blinked. A few of the controllers paced slowly, tethered to
headsets; some joked around. Thousands of lives depend upon the ability of
these individuals to do their jobs and stay cool under pressure.
   The 1999 film "Pushing Tin," with Billy Bob Thornton, depicted air
controllers who worked in terminal radar approach control (TRACON)
facilities, cavernous, windowless buildings where hundreds of air-traffic
controllers handle planes beyond a control tower's jurisdiction, as
competitive stressed-out characters who suffer nervous breakdowns and
throw themselves in the wakes of moving planes.
   But on this foggy day, the cozy, 20-by-20-foot tower at SFO seems to be
nothing like that. It is a room with a view and a staff of about 30
controllers, six to eight of them on duty at a time.
   All are veteran controllers, and some have worked at the tower for a
decade or more. Cindi Trahan, 47, has been a controller for 23 years. Davi
Howard has been at the job for 27 years, starting at age 20 in the Air
Force. Dave Caldwell and tower supervisor Rolf Knaack, in addition to
years as controllers in the military and elsewhere, have worked together
at the SFO tower for 16 years. "It's like a family," Caldwell said.
   On this particular morning, as on many others, fog erased the view and
limited the number of takeoffs and arrivals. "It's pretty quiet right
now," Knaack said. "We had the Honolulu departure push, and then the
departures lightened up. After around 9:30, it gets heavier on the
   Knaack answered a telephone call from the Norcal TRACON in Sacramento,
wrote down the call signs of three incoming aircraft that were low on fuel
and gave the list to Howard, who was working the radar coordinator
position (the controllers swap positions frequently during their
eight-hour shifts). Part of the radar coordinator's job is to manage
arriving planes, and Howard knew the planes would require special
treatment: no planes in front of them and no circling. If necessary, he
would re-sequence other aircraft to accommodate them. "We get the other
pilots on board with the situation," he explained later.
   Standing to the left of the other controllers, Keith Kizziar, working the
clearance delivery position, was printing out 1-by-8-inch strips of thick,
off-white paper called flight-progress strips, each of which bore a
barcode, a departing airplane's call sign, destination, route, altitude
and speed. He cleared the pilots to their destinations, assigned them
"squawk codes" -- transponder codes that make the planes identifiable on
radar -- and slid the glossy slips along the console to Keith Wahamaki on
his right, working ground control.
   Wahamaki gave the pilots taxi instructions, time-stamped the strips and
passed them to Howard, who scanned the barcodes over to TRACON and waited
for departure releases. Finally, Trahan, working the local control
position, cleared the pilots for takeoff, time-stamped their strips again,
resolved any potential collisions with nearby aircraft and handed the
planes off to TRACON. From there, depending on their destinations, the
planes would be passed to a series of air route traffic control centers,
of which there are 21 in the United States.
   Arriving planes were handled in reverse, minus the strips: As they showed
up on radar, called in on the radio and landed, Wahamaki logged them on a
piece of notebook paper.
   An Oct. 31 New Yorker magazine cartoon depicted an air traffic controller
saying to a pilot, "I don't know. What do you want to do?" But
wishy-washiness in a controller won't fly. Besides having to make
split-second decisions, coming off as indecisive can cause problems.
   "The pilots read your mood and your attitude," Howard said. "If you don't
sound confident, they won't feel confident. They'll have a tendency to
question things that you tell them to do."
   Air traffic controllers at SFO earn $114,978 to $160,969 per year, plus a
10 percent Controller Incentive Pay for working in the Bay Area. An ATC
applicant, who cannot be older than 30, must have a bachelor's degree in
air-traffic control from an FAA-approved college (an exception is made for
people with military air-traffic-control experience) and pass a rigorous
pre-employment exam. Those who make the cut go through four months of
training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, and then further training
occurs on the job. Controllers must pass certification at each new
   There is a "mandatory separation" at age 56. At that point, controllers
can go into management, but they no longer can juggle planes.
   Trahan said: "Our union has reminded the FAA over and over that trainees
needed to be hired as at least half of us are eligible to retire starting
the end of 2006 and in 2007." According to Walt Smith, the FAA recently
has said it would hire 12,000 new controllers over the next 10 years to
replace the controllers who will retire during that period.
   The FAA exam includes screening for memory, concentration, decisiveness
and strong judgment, said Smith, San Francisco International's Air Traffic
Manager and district director for all Bay Area control towers. "We screen,
test and hire specifically those kinds of personalities, and then we put
them in a small room together and say, 'OK, now get along!' "
   Getting along seems to be no problem for the controllers, who pass
conversations to each other as easily as they pass strips.
   "We're all here for each other," said Brian Fisher, whose well-modulated
bass voice is often recognized by pilots.
   "Yeah, we all back each other up," said 18-year veteran William Pong. "S=
I'm working ground control and Brian's working local control, which is the
one that's controlling the runways. What I do will depend on what he's
doing, and vice-versa. So if I'm aware of what he's doing, then..."
   "We can affect each other's..." Fisher said.
   "You try and keep that awareness so that everything keeps flowing, you
know, the planes keep moving," Pong said. "You make one mistake, and
everything comes to a grinding halt."
   Radar software acquired about five years ago helps predict and avert
ground collisions, and "grinding halts" are rare. Controllers are
practiced in dealing with any close calls that do occur. Recently, Howard
had to delay the landing of one plane because another one failed to make
it across a runway in time. "He (the landing plane) was getting closer and
closer, and this guy still hadn't cleared," he recalled. "I just sent him
around. And that's a normal thing."
   Wahamaki once had a trainee who inadvertently instructed a pilot to taxi
onto a runway where another plane was on final approach (Wahamaki got on
the radio in time to prevent the collision). And he remembers the time a
pilot taxied onto an active (in-use) runway after being told to wait. None
of these controllers have experienced a collision.
   "This job is all about communication," he said. "We look out the window,
we see the situation, and we issue the instruction. We need to be clear
and concise, and we need the pilots to understand what we're saying and
then carry out the instruction. Pilots do exactly what they're told 99
times out of 100. And when they don't, they get corrected and everything
goes on. It's like a well-oiled machine." He laughed. "I love this job. I
just like everything about it."
   Controllers and pilots rarely meet. (Trahan is an exception: Her husband,
David, flies for American Airlines.) Steve Filson, a senior United
Airlines pilot who flies out of San Francisco, said: "It's a whole
different world, separated by a lot of space and time." And sometimes,
separated by language: An Aeroflot pilot once chatted happily away in
Russian, tying up the ground control radio for five minutes in full
hearing of all the other pilots, after Wahamaki greeted him with the only
Russian phrase he knew: "Happy New Year."
   The biggest challenge, and one that presents the steepest learning curve,
for controllers at San Francisco International is its runway
configuration. As a result of scarce land, the airport's four runways
consist of two parallel pairs -- runways 28 Left and 28 Right, running
east-west, and runways 1 Left and Right, running north-south -- that cross
each other almost in the middle. (The numbers come from compass headings.)
Except for very heavy aircraft and those heading west over the Pacific,
planes normally take off from the 1's and land on the 28's, which are
aimed into the wind and help them slow down.
   To move the maximum number of flights, controllers group planes in pairs
on the parallel runways -- called a "sideby" -- unless fog prevents pilots
from maintaining visual separation. At peak times, two planes land and two
take off every minute, each pair having to wait until the other crosses
its runway.
   "If I want to describe my job to someone who has no clue as to what I do=
Fisher said, "the best description would be one of those little kids'
games with the one number missing, and you try to rearrange all these
numbers throughout the day to get them in order. You're shuffling planes
around, moving them sideways, up, down, in, out. You go through the entire
day making decisions that affect people's lives -- life-and-death stuff --
and then you go home and don't know what you want for dinner. It drives my
wife crazy."
   By early afternoon, the fog had lifted, the strips were coming faster and
the planes were doing sidebys. The room buzzed with a lingo that was in
English, yet not.
   "United 93, contact Norcal departure. G'day. United 8168, cross runway
two-eight left, contact ground point 8." (Knaack handed off London-bound
flight 93 to Norcal TRACON and instructed just-landed flight 8168 to
contact ground control on frequency 21.8.)
   "837 heavy on papa, cross two-eight left, hold short of two-eight right."
(Fisher instructed the pilot of a large jet sitting on taxiway P -- "papa"
is radio-alphabet letter P -- to cross a runway and wait.)
   Trahan pointed to the plane, United 837, which started to taxi toward the
intersection. "When this guy (United 837) goes through, the other one can
start rolling," she said. "It's always a bit harrowing. There are times
when your stomach tightens up." As a child, Trahan used to count airplanes
from her backyard near a Denver airport. She decided to become an air
traffic controller when she heard it was a job where "you get to play with
   Howard, now working ground control, had 30 strips lined up in front of
him. He was talking concurrently to an American Airlines pilot, an
AmericaWest pilot, four United pilots and the pilot of a business jet.
"Cross runway two-eight right, hold short of two-eight left," he said to
one, then added, smiling: "You've been flying long enough, you know there
are no free lunches around here!"
   "Here they come!" Caldwell said, pointing to a caravan of United Express
jets. "These little guys tend to travel in packs." He slipped back into a
conversation with a pilot.
   "We can do four or five different things all at once," Howard said. "Talk
to several planes, talk to the supervisor, and do it all coherently."
   "It's compartmentalizing," Caldwell said. "It's being able to sort out
what's important now, what will be important a minute from now, and also
be ready for the odd things that might occur."
   Odd things like airplanes, which are physically incapable of backing up,
coming face-to-face: "In ground control, the worst thing you can do is get
two planes on the same taxiway, nose-to-nose, with no way of getting out,"
Howard said.
   "We call it a 'golden towbar,' " Caldwell said, explaining that a truck
must be called to tow the planes apart. The two howled with laughter at
the inside joke and went back to their radios.
   The bay was a deep blue; wisps of fog clung to the south San Francisco
hills. A ballet of planes moved slowly just outside the tower; others
glinted on taxiways and runways in the distance.
   Caldwell slid a handful of strips over to Howard. A Singapore Airlines j=
took off on 28 Left, heading toward the Pacific. Seconds after it crossed
the intersection, two planes did a sideby departure on the 1's, flew over
the bay, and went their separate ways.

   E-mail comments to penfriday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --------------------------=
Copyright 2005 SF Chronicle

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