Ok, a few things on this. LAX is more central to more of the population than any other airport. Sure, OC is close to LGB, Ventura County is not. Neither is Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, L.A. Proper, and many other places. If you look at population weight and cachement area, LAX is the closest over all. LGB is already slotted out anyway, and BUR's runways don't allow for full loads (even restricted, they still have had to fuel stop several flights). On the Businees v. Leisure point, a fairly large percentage of B6's traffic actually is business traffic. And as for terminal space at LAX, one only needs to look at the emptyness of T3 at some hours, particularly at the hours that would host a redeye to know B6 could fly out of there In a message dated 6/10/2005 10:42:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, damiross3@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: > LAX may be more central if you actual destination is LA. However, LGB is > more central for the large population in Orange County. ONT, which has no > restrictions, is more central to eastern LA county and the Riverside/San > Bernardino areas. > > Because of JetBlue's lower fares overall, they probably have more leisure > than business traffic. And if you are going on a trip as a leisure > passenger, it means you'll probably be leaving from your home rather than > the office to get to the airport. With the large number of people living > (as opposed to working) around LGB, ONT, and BUR, it only makes sense to fly > out of one of those three airport rather than driving by them and going to > LAX. > > Another problem with LAX: which terminal would they use? The last few times > I was at LAX it looked like most of the gates were full. It's doubtful they > could use Terminal 1 because of Southwest. Terminal 2 and United's terminal > (is that 6 or 7?) are also crowded. Perhaps they could use the Imperial > Terminal like World did back in the 70's. Or has that terminal been closed > to airlines? >