SOURCE: Long Beach Press-Telegram,1413,204~21474~2854256,00.html JetBlue supports group favoring airport revamp By Felix Sanchez Staff writer LONG BEACH ? JetBlue Airways threw public support behind the recently formed Long Beach Alliance on Thursday, sending e-mails to area customers urging them to back the group that advocates improving the Long Beach Airport terminal. At the same time, JetBlue, the airport's largest commercial airline tenant, reiterated that the improvements package it supports and wants done will not increase the number of daily passenger flights out of Long Beach. "Regrettably, opponents of the airport and their supporters on the City Council have wrongly linked replacing the temporary trailer facilities with the notion of adding flights to the airport," the JetBlue e-mail said. Also on Thursday, the Long Beach Alliance released results of a voter survey of more than 600 residents it said shows 53 percent of residents fundamentally support airport improvements, with 36 percent undecided and only 12 percent opposing improvements outright. When given substantial information about how improvements would replace temporary structures, improve traffic and provide better concessions, support grows to 75 percent, the alliance voter survey shows. The results were sent to City Council members Thursday. Meanwhile, the e-mails from JetBlue to its "True Blue" membership customers within Long Beach are the first public show by the New York City-based corporation that it is fully behind the alliance's efforts. But the airline has not been shy about saying it supports the group, sending corporate executives to alliance meetings and verbally expressing allegiance. "As you know all too well, the terminal facility we have today just doesn't present Long Beach at its best," JetBlue's director of customer commitment Jason Ward said in the e-mail. "The temporary trailers and the lack of choice in concessions are just a few of the issues that need to be addressed." The alliance was recently formed after the City Council approved focusing an environmental impact report on an airport improvement package smaller than a city consultant had recommended and that the airline and JetBlue wanted. The group is considering pushing for a citywide initiative to let voters decide the improvement scope. "JetBlue respects the laws of the city of Long Beach," the company stated. "In particular, we respect the city's noise laws and we are committed to seeing the airport thrive while not impacting the quality of life for Long Beach residents. The proposal to improve and upgrade the temporary terminal facility will not permit added flights but it will make the terminal more comfortable, more secure and more convenient for you, our customers." Web JetBlue has not said how much financial support it is providing. Mike Donelon, a former City Council member who is a leader of the alliance, said JetBlue is only one of a number of supporters that have given money and in-kind donations to the group.