They are only not fueling, CO is taking the needed fuel for the return trip. the following post doesnt make sense to me >A routine examination Monday evening revealed the ?>fuel supplied to all >airlines taking off from Ben Gurion airport does not >meet international >standards, an El Al spokesman says. >As a result, fuel companies have decided to refrain >from supplying fuel >to the airlines until the problem is resolved, >prompting the grounding >of all flights. (Ynetnews) then you show CO flight is flyuing when you just said that ALL FLIGHTS WERE GROUNDED! CO flt 91 is fuel stopping at LGW 0091/18APR\ P TLV/OUT 108A L01.13 )\ F EWR/ETA 905A L04.20\ D FCF/FLT OPTING TLV-VDA-LGW-EWR. A/FUEL STOPS PLANNED\ DID U USE FLT SKED ORIGIN DTE\ \ SKED TLV ORIG 1155P GTD B9 SHIP 16\ EWR 445A TERM 1 GTA C121\ Roger EWROPS __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Roger EWROPS