All flights grounded at Ben Gurion airport A routine examination Monday evening revealed the fuel supplied to all airlines taking off from Ben Gurion airport does not meet international standards, an El Al spokesman says. As a result, fuel companies have decided to refrain from supplying fuel to the airlines until the problem is resolved, prompting the grounding of all flights. (Ynetnews) CO flt 91 is fuel stopping at LGW 0091/18APR\ P TLV/OUT 108A L01.13 )\ F EWR/ETA 905A L04.20\ D FCF/FLT OPTING TLV-VDA-LGW-EWR. A/FUEL STOPS PLANNED\ DID U USE FLT SKED ORIGIN DTE\ \ SKED TLV ORIG 1155P GTD B9 SHIP 16\ EWR 445A TERM 1 GTA C121\ Roger EWROPS