Lufthansa Cancels 75 Frankfurt Flights Due To Bush Visit Wednesday February 23, 10:02 AM EST FRANKFURT -(Dow Jones)- German airline Deutsche Lufthansa AG (LHA.XE) said Wednesday it has canceled 75 flights due to the security surrounding U.S. President George Bush's visit to Germany. The impact for the airline from the visit has been heavier than expected, with a blockade at Frankfurt Airport lasting longer than airport operator Fraport AG (FRA.XE) and air traffic controllor Deutsche Flugsicherung had announced. On Tuesday evening, Lufthansa was told the frequency of flights from the airport would be reduced for safety reasons, it said. During the restricted time, there could be up to 50% fewer landings and takeoffs. "This is not comprehensible to us," the Lufthansa spokesman said. In addition to cancellations, about 319 flights have faced delays. The numbers could increase as the day goes on. Lufthansa said the situation was "unacceptable," and it would reserve the right to request compensation. Company Web site: