Nation's Leading Aviation and Top 9-11 Law Firm Comments on Evidence That Airlines Were Warned of Terrorists' Suicide Hijackings Before 9-11 "Today's reports about the warnings the FAA and the airline industry had in advance of 9-11 are disturbing on several fronts," said Marc S. Moller, a senior partner at Kreindler & Kreindler LLP, which represents more 9-11 families than any law firm in the nation. "Certainly, we all must be concerned about the slow pace with which critical information such as this highly troubling report is revealed. Further, this report appears to confirm what many of us have known all along. The airline industry paid lip service to the need for security to protect passengers and others from the consequences of a terrorist attack, but completely failed to provide the level of security at checkpoints and on their aircraft to meet that need. In the final analysis, airline passengers and ground victims were at the mercy of terrorists who took advantage of weaknesses in the security system which were obvious to anyone who might seek to exploit them. This latest report denies the airlines any basis to claim that they were not warned." "This report demonstrates that the FAA repeatedly warned the airlines about the imminent danger of a suicide hijacking and yet, the airlines simply did not do their job," said Brian Alexander, another Kreindler partner representing 9-11 family members. "The report completely belies the notion that the airlines could not have foreseen the tragedy of 9/11. Indeed, short of the date and the flight number they knew everything necessary to take appropriate steps to beef-up security and prevent the hijackings. The airlines are the last line of defense and had the best opportunity to stop the terrorists in their tracks. They have a duty and responsibility for passenger screening and safety and, armed with substantial warnings, failed miserably in executing that responsibility. The system was -- and likely still is -- broken." Mr. Moller points out that in the Spring of 2001 air carriers were specifically warned that terrorists might conduct suicide hijacking. Kreindler & Kreindler represents more than 350 9-11 families in all matters related to the tragedy, including the legal suits against the airlines and other entities; the suits against the terrorists and those who funded their actions; and in the execution of the federal 9-11 Victim Compensation Fund. Attorneys at the firm are available to comment on the reports today about warnings the Federal Aviation Administration and airline carriers had about terrorist plans and activities in advance of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Attorneys include: Marc S. Moller: Kreindler law partner who has represented thousands of victims of commercial and general aviation disasters, and who has litigated accidents involving single-engine, multi-engine, helicopter, corporate jet and military equipment for more than 25 years. He is presently the Plaintiffs' Liaison Counsel for all tort litigation arising from the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and is an internationally recognized expert in aircraft litigation. Brian Alexander: Kreindler law partner and a graduate of the United States Military Academy who served as a helicopter and fixed wing pilot from 1985- 1990. He was graduated from the Army Aviation Accident Investigation Course, accruing thousands of hours in a variety of rotary and fixed wing aircraft, has more than 1,000 hours piloting small aircraft, and has successfully litigated many large and small airline crash cases. He currently serves as co- liaison counsel on the tort litigation arising from the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Founded in 1950, Kreindler & Kreindler LLP is nationally recognized as the first and most prominent aviation law firm in the nation. The firm has been the leading plaintiff legal counsel on hundreds of aviation cases, including major ones such as the September 11 terrorist attacks, Pan Am Lockerbie Flight 103, Korean Airlines Flight 007, and American Airlines Flight 587, and many cases of small private and commercial crashes. The leading legal textbook in the aviation field, "Aviation Accident Law," and a standard legal treatise, "New York Law of Torts," were authored by members of the firm. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.