Fwd: Ruling adds hurdle for huge $9b LAX expansion plan

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--- In BATN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "8/26 Los Angeles Times" <batn@xxxx>
Published Thursday, August 26, 2004, in the Los Angeles Times

Ruling Adds a Hurdle for LAX Proposal

Panel's finding forces the mayor to garner more council support to
approve the airport modernization plan.

By Jennifer Oldham
Times Staff Writer

An obscure county commission ruled Wednesday that the city's
modernization proposal for Los Angeles International Airport violates
a county land-use plan, a finding that will force Mayor James K. Hahn
to get a two-thirds City Council vote to approve the blueprint.

After three hours of testimony and discussion, the five-member
Airport Land Use Commission unanimously ruled that the mayor's
$9-billion plan would create more noise and safety risks in nearby
communities, making it inconsistent with a 1991 county land-use plan.

"It's clear that this airport needs modernization," said Commissioner
Pat Modugno, but he said the commission's role was limited to
deciding whether the LAX plan complied with the current land-use

Hahn must now secure 10 votes, rather than the usual eight, on the 15-
member council to override the commission's finding.

The commission's ruling also raises the possibility that the mayor
may ultimately need to garner 12 council votes. The county counsel
argues that airport-adjacent communities, or the county itself, could
appeal a council override to the commission. If the commission
approves the appeal, state law requires a four-fifths council vote to
override, the county counsel contends.

A spokeswoman said the mayor was concerned that the commission based
its decision on a 13-year-old document, but added that Hahn does not
expect the vote to stop his LAX plan.

"He's always been committed and continues to be committed to working
with Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski and the council to address all
their concerns and build the consensus necessary to move the plan
forward," said Elizabeth Kaltman, a spokeswoman for the mayor's

At Wednesday's commission hearing, city officials argued that the
airport violates the county's 1991 plan because new flight patterns
were established in 1992, exposing many more residents to noise.

The officials said Hahn's plan would actually reduce the number of
homes exposed to airport noise -- though more homes would be affected
than in 1991.

Throughout the meeting, the panel's second on the plan in as many
weeks, commissioners and city officials bemoaned the current land-use
plan, saying its age made it impossible for the two sides to reach
any understanding.

Caltrans, the state agency charged with overseeing county land-use
plans, issued a grant to the county to rework its plan in the mid-
1990s. The county drafted an updated plan in 1998, but never
completed it. At both hearings, city and county officials pointed
fingers, with each side claiming the other was responsible for
ensuring that the county's land-use plan was amended to reflect
current conditions around LAX.

"It's not our responsibility to sit with you and tell you at your
shoulder that your plan is inadequate," said Carlyle Hall, an
attorney who represents the city's airport agency, in testimony
before the commission on Wednesday.

County planners said city officials did not approach them to discuss
the age of the plan until last month. "The city could have come to
our staff earlier since the master plan has been active for the last
eight years," said Julie Moore, head of the county's community
studies section.

Numerous residents and city officials from municipalities ringing
Santa Monica Bay decried Hahn's LAX proposal and asked the commission
to act as their advocate, saying the city repeatedly failed to
address their concerns.

"The city of Los Angeles has forgotten that it has 87 neighboring
cities and unincorporated areas that the airport impacts," Lomita
Councilman Mark Waronek said.

Airlines, business groups and union representatives asked the
commission to find the mayor's plan consistent with the county land-
use plan, saying LAX needs to be remodeled or carriers will take
flights and visitors elsewhere.
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