As of the 11 o'clock news, the place (which is a VS B747-400) was still parked at the north end of the field, with all doors open, and being searched by law enforcement. -- Michael C. Berch mcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ----------- FBI Grounds Plane at SFO Feds Take Man Off Plane POSTED: 11:18 pm PDT August 2, 2004 UPDATED: 11:55 pm PDT August 2, 2004 SAN FRANCISCO -- San Francisco International Airport was on alert Monday night after a plane was grounded. An individual created a disturbance onboard a Virgin Atlantic flight that was headed for London's Heathrow International Airport. The man did not take his seat when he was supposed to be seated, authorities said. The FBI said it took him off the plane as a "person of interest" and took him in for questioning. Passengers onboard were asked to exit the plane and were placed in a hotel for the night. The flight will be rescheduled for Tuesday.