Hi Here in Portugal one of our Northrop T-38 Talon hit a storch during a low level training flight over the south of Portugal! The front seat pilot was hit directly on is visor and lost one eye... During the operation the surgeon found small bits of storch on the pilot's brain! It was the end of his flying career... Regards Miguel Branco da Silva ----- Original Message ----- From: <lafrance@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: <AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 9:54 PM Subject: Re: [Airline] BAM!!!! > I was in a A-4 squadren in the Navy and once had a buzzard go thru the wind screen and hit the back seat in a two seater. Luckly no one was sitting there. It was one hell on a mess to cleanup. > ============================================================ > From: Catsn4@xxxxxxx > Date: 2004/07/27 Tue PM 04:38:04 EDT > To: airline2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: Re: [Airline] BAM!!!! > > ============================================================ > > > Roger > EWROPS >