Hi to all, further news from Italy. ALPI EAGLES resumes with effect July 2nd. 2004 the route Venice-Alghero,=20 four times a week on mo, th,fr,su. The same days of operations looks the=20 third rotation pour day on Venice-Naples. BLUE PANORAMA division Executive Blue has received its first P180 for biz=20 operations on June 17th. CROATIA AIRLINES resumes the seasonal flight to Ancona with ATR42.=20 Operations from July 17th. to Sep. 4th. 2004. November 1st. 2004 sees the opening of a regular flight from Milan Mxp to=20 Zagreb. EASY JET, Yannis Capodistrias, Italy's marketing manager has announced=20 that probably could be possible after the technical improvement the opening= =20 shortly of the new destination Florence. Defined an interesting market for= =20 the carrier. ESTONIAN AIR has resumed on June 12th. 2004 the weekly charter rotation=20 from Rimini to Tallin until Sept. 18th. 2004 with B737/500. LAUDA AIR ITALY will probably operate a weekly flight from Milan Mxp to=20 Guatemala City starting end of March 2005. A letter of intents has been=20 signed between Andrea Molinari CEO of Livingston Aviation Group and Mr.=20 Alejandro Sinibaldi Aparicio, Minister of Tourism of Guatemala Government.= =20 An A330/200 will grant the route. Its a sign of expansion in Central=20 America after the recent confirmation to open Mexico City as new stiop. MALMO AVIATION has resumed on June 6th. until August 1st. the weekly flight= =20 to Glasgow from Rimini every sundays with Avro RJ100. PULKOVO operates two weekly charter flights from St. Petersburg to Rimini,= =20 both on saturdays. Date of end is Oct. 2nd. and 30th. respectively. Tu154M= =20 the equipment. RYANAIR will reduce from the end of October from twice daily to once a day= =20 the route London STN-Palermo due to the poor on time respect of the turn=20 around granted from the handling company. Its one of the bad performance=20 registered from Ryanair. TAROM with effect June 20th will add a weekly charter flight from Rimini to= =20 Bucuresti with B737/300. Flights will stop on Sep. 26th 2004. VIAGGIO AIR will resume with effect July 17th. 2004 every saturdays the=20 charter weekly flight from Rimini to Sofia with an ATR42/300. That's all for today. Best Regards, Marco prossimo 24 giugno sar=E0 inaugurato ufficialmente il nuovo terminal=20 dell'aeroporto Raffaello Sanzio di Ancona-Falconara. Intanto =E8 stata annunciata la ripresa dei voli estivi che collegheranno lo= =20 scalo marchigiano con la Croazia, ogni sabato dal 17 luglio al 4 settembre. I voli saranno effettuati dalla Croatia Airlines con ATR42 da 42 posti.