Gee, he's been doing it for years and I look forward to reading his posted items since I don't have the time to go searching different news sites. If Geert has a problem with it he would have, or should have, said so years ago. It's airline related so all news posts should be welcome. It's not like this list is chock full of airline stuff anyhow. Jose Prize Fan of Hough's postings In a message dated 6/2/2004 2:01:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jgivens@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: > Subj: Relentless News Clipping Posts > Date: 6/2/2004 2:01:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time > From: jgivens@xxxxxxxxxxx > To: AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Sent from the Internet > > Does anyone care about the Bill Hough news clipping service? What does the > charter (if one - Geert?) say about posting for posting's sake? > > Even though I have him filtered I am still tired of dealing with it in my > bit bucket. > > I say we decide whether stuff like this is relevant and ask people not to do > so, if the > subscribers as a group wish it. > > I vote for no more new clipping forward posts unless it has a poignant point > to > make. > _____________________________________________ > > mailto:jgivens@xxxxxxxxxxx > > A random MP quote: > "The Larch" >