--=======199C6657======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-3A6839C3; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi to all, further news from Italy, ALITALIA first route to be operated with EMB170 is on April 26th. 2004 obn Rome-Brindisi. AUSTRIAN ARROWS starts a weekly charter rotation from June 6th. 2004 to September 11th. 2004 on Graz-Pescara. ItALI is the new airline that takes the routes operated from Trasporti Aerei Italiani a brach of Air Columbia out from Pescara to Mialn Mxp/Lin and Rome FCO. Type planned of planes to be put in service are ATR42 and Do328. MERIDIANA has introduced on April 1st. 2004 the first A319/112 EI-DEZ in service on Florence to London LGW/Barcelona/Catania. First revenue flight Florence-London LGW on April 1st. 2004. On April 20th. 2004 is planned to be introduced the second plane on Florence-Palermo (morning flight) and Florence-London LGW (evening flight). Until June 30th. 2004 Meridiana suspends temporary one daily rotations on Florence-Catania/Palermo/London Lgw (midday flight). From June 1st. 2004 introduces a daily scheduled rotation from Florence to Cagliari. From July 1st. 2004 resumes the flights temporary suspemded and will add the routes Florence Olbia (seasonal) and Florence-Madrid. With effect July 1st is reported to be serviceable all the fleet of the newest A319's. Has just returned to lessor one BAe146/200. SKYEUROPE with effect Oct. 8th. 2004 will plann to commence direct services out from Warsaw to Milan (Bergamo) and Rome. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======199C6657======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-3A6839C3 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.644 / Virus Database: 412 - Release Date: 26/03/2004 --=======199C6657=======--