CORRECTED - OFFICIAL-Delta Connection carriers to add 45 aircraft = = = = Tuesday March 2, 6:10 PM EST = In March 2 NEW YORK story headlined "Delta Connection carriers to add 45 = aircraft," please correct second sentence of second paragraph to read " .= =2E. 63 regional jets at SkyWest ... instead of " ... 54 ... " and " ... = 47 regional jets at Chautauqua ..." instead of " ... 45 ... ." (Delta Con= nection corrects numbers). A corrected repetition follows. NEW YORK, March 2 (Reuters) - Delta Connection, which includes several ca= rriers, on Tuesday announced the acquisition of 45 new aircraft for deliv= ery in 2004 and 2005. Atlantic Southeast Airlines will receive 25 CRJ200 aircraft from Bombardi= er Aerospace (BBDb), and SkyWest Airlines (SKYW) will receive seven. Chau= tauqua Airlines will receive 13 Embraer (EMBR3) regional jets. With these= aircraft, Delta Connection said its fleet will include 63 regional jets = at SkyWest, 148 CRJ jets at Atlantic Southeast, and 47 regional jets at C= hautauqua. Delta Connection Chief Executive Fred Buttrell in a statement said secure= d long-term financing for the aircraft was obtained "without additional u= pfront cash investments by Delta Air Lines (DAL)." Atlanta-based Delta Connection's carriers include Delta units Atlantic So= utheast and Comair; regional carriers Atlantic Coast Airlines (ACAI), Cha= utauqua and SkyWest, and codeshare partner American Eagle. = =A92004 Reuters Limited. = Roger EWROPS