--=======25291D12======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-2C22B61; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit AIR ALPS operate these flights from Bolzano during next summer season: REGULAR FLIGHTS BLAZNO-OLBIA A6 250 14.50-16.20 ....5.. 02.07 - 30.07.2004 A6 250 10.40-12.10 .....6. 19.06 - 11.09.2004 A6 250 14.50-16.20 ......7 20.06 - 12.09.2004 OLBIA-BOLZANO A6 251 12.40-14.10 ....5.. 02.07 - 30.07.2004 A6 251 12.40-14.10 .....6. 19.06 - 11.09.2004 A6 251 12.40-14.10 ......7 20.06 - 12.09.2004 BOLZANO-CAGLIARI A6 260 10.30-12.20 .....6. 19.06 - 11.09.2004 CAGLIARI-BOLZANO A6 261 20.30-22.20 .....6. 19.06. - 11.09.2004 CHARTER FLIGHTS BOLZANO-ZADAR A6 2702 12.30-13.40 ......7 23.05 - 19.09.2004 ZADAR -BOLZANO A6 2703 14.30-15.40 ......7 23.05. - 19.09.2004 BOLZANO-LAMEZIA TERME A6 2704 11.50-14.00 .....6. 29.05 - 12.06.2004 A6 2706 12.20-14.30 .....6. 29.05 - 12.06.2004 A6 2704 14.40-16.50 .....6. 12.06 - 24.07.2004 LAMEZIA TERME -BOLZANO A6 2705 14.40-16.50 .....6. 29.05 - 12.06.2004 A6 2707 15.20-17.30 .....6. 29.05 - 12.06.2004 A6 2705 17.30-19.40 .....6. 12.06 - 24.07.2004 BOLZANO-NAPOLI A6 2700 12.30-14.20 ......7 28.03 - 23.05.2004 NAPOLI -BOLZANO A6 2701 14.50-16.40 ......7 28.03 - 23.05.2004 BOLZANO-TORTOLI A6 2710 14.00-15.40 ......7 06.06 - 13.06.2004 A6 2710 12.50-14.30 ......7 20.06 - 12.09.2004 TORTOLI -BOLZANO A6 2711 16.20-18.00 ......7 06.06 - 13.06.2004 A6 2711 10.30-12.10 ......7 20.06 - 12.09.2004 BOLZANO-PALMA DI MAIORCA A6 2722 09.00-11.40 ......7 23.05 - 11.07.2004 PALMA DI MAIORCA -BOLZANO A6 2723 12.50-15.30 ......7 23.05 - 11.07.2004 BOLZANO-RIJEKA A6 2720 16.00-17.00 ......7 23.05 - 01.08.2004 RIJEKA -BOLZANO A6 2721 17.30-18.30 ......7 23.05 - 01.08.2004 AIR DOLOMITI will suspend the route Amsterdam-Verona with effect March 28th. 2004 and part of the CRJ's will fly on LH flights with origin Germany. DARWIN AIRLINE with Saab2000 would to propose direct flight from Lugano to RImini/Olbia/Venice/Rome. FLYBABOO with effect summer season timetable will cease the Venice-Lugano-Geneve and will replace that route with a six times a week afternoon flight on Geneve-Venice. LOT introduces in Italy the EMB170 from March 28th. 2004 on Warsaw-Rome FCO. On July 3rd from Venice to Warsaw and on July 4th. 2004 on Milan Mxp-Warsaw. LUFTHANSA starts a new four times a week flight from Stuttgart to Venice with B737/300 on tu-th-sa-su starting April 3rd. 2004. MERIDIANA will add the new route Florence-Cagliari, with effect June 1st. 2004. The routes Olbia-Florence, 4 imes a week from June 1st, daily from July 1st. and Florence Madrid from July 1st daily are seasonals. A new seasonal four weekly rotation is the Verona-Lamezia Terme with effect June 4th. 2004 to September 27th.on Mo-fr-sa-su. Suspend the route Cagliari-Pisa.with effect June 1st. VOLAREWEB its currently not expected to resume the route Rimini-London Luton during this summer season WELCOME AIR operate these charter flights during the summer season from Bolzano: BOLZANO-TRAPANI 2W 7.00 - 9.10 .....6. 29.05. - 24.07.2004 BOLZANO-RIJEKA 2W 10.15- 11.05 ......7 30.05. - 25.07.2004 BOLZANO-PALMA DI MAIORCA 2W 13.20 - 15.45 ......7 30.05. - 04.07.2004 --=======25291D12======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-2C22B61 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.592 / Virus Database: 375 - Release Date: 18/02/2004 --=======25291D12=======--