In a message dated 2/11/2004 5:01:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time,=20 lafrance@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: > B6 recently lost a showdown with Delta Air Lines when it tried to expand=20 > into the Atlanta - Los Angeles market. >=20 > =E2=80=9CThat was a symbolically important blow because it proved that th= e majors=20 > could beat JetBlue at its own game,=E2=80=9D Teal Group analyst Richard Ab= oulafia told=20 > FORTUNE magazine. Yeah, if a couple of flights a day to Long Beach were much of a=20 threat to Delta. I'd say the uncertain future of Song is what this analyst=20 should be writing about. Wait til B6 gets those nifty new jungle jets that'= ll=20 beat the pants off any legacy carrier still flying the right coast! =20 RT Simpson Phoenix =20