--=======274331AC======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-C764ED3; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi to all, further news from Italy, AIR DOLOMITI will resume the seasonal Bologna-Alghero with effect July 3rd to Sept. 12th. 2004 with ATR42/500. With effect June 12th. 2004 will resume the route Verona-Alghero two times a week on saturday and sunday. Increased to daily from June 28th. 2004 until Sept. 12th. 2004 with ATR42/500. AIR ONE will launch these new routes or increase from the summer timetable 2004: Turin-Cagliari: a new daily rotation with effect March 28th. 2004; a weekly rotation sunday with effect May 2nd. 2004. five weekly seasonal from monday to friday with effect Aug. 2nd. 2004 to Sept. 3rd. 2004. Turin- Rome FCO: increase from six to seven daily; Turin-Palermo: increase from one to two daily flights on June 1st. 2004. Turin-Bari with effect May 2nd. 2004 a new weekly flight on sunday, weekly rotations from 7 to 8. Turin-Olbia seasonal daily rotation from Aug. 2nd. 2004 to Sept. 3rd. 2004. Turin-Catania increase from 7 to 8 weekly with effect June 5th. 2004 on saturday. add a five weekly seasonal flight with effect Aug. 2nd to Sept. 3rd. 2004. Turin-Lamezia Terme: will increase from daily to twice daily from June 1st. 2004. Genoa-Catania: a new daily flight with effect March 28th. 2004 Genoa-Palermo a new daily rotation with effect June 1st. 2004 Genoa-Rome FCO from three to four daily with effect March 28th. 2004 Pisa- Cagliari: a new daily rotation with effect June 1st. 2004. Bologna-Lamezia Terme: increase from daily to 2 times daily with effect June 1st. 2004. AMERICAN AIRLINES will resume on March 4th. 2004 the seasonal daily route from Rome FCO to Chicago. On April 4th. 2004 will resume the route Rome FCO-New York. Interesting are the load factors registered on these flights during the past years while 80% in 2002 and 88.2% in 2003 for the Rome-Chicago. 84,6% between May and October 2003 is the load factor registered on Rome-New York. Both flights will be ceased on November 30th. 2004. LUFTHANSA with effect Feb. 2nd. 2004 will drop the five times a week flight Bologna-Dusseldorf. Will reduce from 11 to six weekly on Turin-Dusseldorf with effect March 28th. 2004. MERIDIANA will introduce on March 28th. 2004 a new daily flight from Turin to Cagliari with MD82. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======274331AC======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-C764ED3 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.572 / Virus Database: 362 - Release Date: 27/01/2004 --=======274331AC=======--