--=======1A40458======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-30AA586B; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, further news from Italy, AIR ALPS with effect March 1st. 2004 will increase from daily to three=20 times daily on Brescia-Roma FCO in sharing with Alitalia. A6530 VBS-FCO 07.15 - 08.30 12345 A6532 VBS-FCO 10.45 - 12.00 12345 A6536 VBS-FCO 19.15 - 20.30 12345 A6531 FCO-VBS 09.10 - 10.25 12345 A6535 FCO-VBS 17.30 - 18.45 12345 A6537 FCO-VBS 21.20 - 22.25 12345 Re - introduce the fourth daily rotation from Parma to Rome FCO with effect= =20 March 1st. 2004. AIR BOURBON with effect April 3rd, 2004, these are the flight schedules=20 loaded on Amadeus CRS: ZN 324 RUN 1035 - LYS 1940 A340/200 SA ZN 324 LYS 2120 - MXP 2220 A340/200 SA ZN 324 MXP 2330 - RUN 1220+1 A340/200 SA MERIDIANA during the press conference held today in Verona CEO of the=20 airline Giovanni Sebastiani has confirmed the application of the service=20 Smart-fly born for the new route Rome FCO-Milan Lin also to be applied on=20 Verona-Rome FCO.five times a day with fares in the range from 9=80 to 139=80= =20 one way and with effect Feb. 2nd. 2004. Thta's all for today, Best Regards, Marco=20 --=======1A40458======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-30AA586B Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.564 / Virus Database: 356 - Release Date: 19/01/2004 --=======1A40458=======--