--=======54BF655F======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-546AF53; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all another updating on Italian civil scene: AIR ONE, in a press conference held in Parma about the presentation of th= e=20 logistic structures connected with opening of the new EU Community Food=20 Safety Agency is reported the airline that could be interested to operate= =20 the route Parma-Bruxelles. This declaration was been supplied form the=20 organization of the logistic structure and not from the airline. ALITALIA will plan to cancel 364 flights during airline personnel strike=20 planned on coming monday Jan. 26th. 2004. BRITISH AIRWAYS during the period May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. 2004 will=20 cease temporary the route Bologna-Manchester daily operated from BA=20 Cityexpress EMB145. C.S.A. will operate the flights Bologna-Prague at Forli' Airport.during=20 Bologna airport closure for runway extension planned in the period betwee= n=20 May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. 2004 OCEAN AIRLINES has agreed with OpenSky Service Srl, Bologna as new G.S.S.= A.=20 (General Sales and Services Agent). Ocean with base in Brescia will recei= ve=20 from May the first of a couple of B747/200F. With hub in Brescia=20 Montichiari it grants regular schedular cargo flights to Lagos, Tokyo,=20 Shanghai and Hong Kong. Second B747's is expected in June-July 2004.=20 Business plan reports to growth the fleet until five Jumbo's all freighte= rs=20 in next pair of years. Ocean will becomes as the first italian cargo=20 carrier and one of the most important in Europe. RYANAIR experimentally will operate the first rotation Parma-London=20 Stansted on April 18th. 2004. Regular flight on daily basis is available=20 not before then August because the runway at Parma have to be extended to= =20 meet the requirements requested from Ryanair. VOLARE GROUP. 4th. A330/200 I-VLEH has left on Jan. 15th. 2004 Milan=20 Malpensa to Toulouse returned to lessor GECAS for the following new=20 customer in dry lease Qatar AW. There are reports of a wet-lease of another B767/300ER from LOT to cover=20 the holes leaved from the return to lessor of four A330/200 usually=20 deployed to the long haul charter and regular flights. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======54BF655F======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-546AF53 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.553 / Virus Database: 345 - Release Date: 18/12/2003 --=======54BF655F=======--