--=======14624FDC======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-6A171212; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, further news in this issue regarding the Italian civil aviation scene: AIR ALPS, rumors reports the availability to replace Gandalf Airlines=20 eventually on Brescia-Rome FCO in case that Gandalf cease the route. AIR FREEDOM have presented a new lay-out web site with effect today at=20 www.airfreedom.it Routes operated reported are: Amsterdam-Brescia-Cagliari; Barcelona-Olbia-Cagliari; Paris-Olbia-Cagliari; London-Cagliari-Olbia; Zurich-Brescia-Cagliari; Stuttgart-Brescia-Olbia; Frankfurt-Brescia-Cagliari; Copenaghen-Pisa-Olbia; Olbia-Pisa-Trieste; Olbia-Trieste; Cagliari-Bologna-Berlin; Olbia-Bologna-Brindisi; Cagliari-Turin-Vienna; Olbia-Rome-Budapest; Olbia-Naples-Bari. Totally dropped the routes planned in the past like: Athens-Bologna-Olbia; Alghero-Cagliari-Olbia. AIR ONE is the offcial carrier of the trade fair SMAU SICILIA from Nov.=20 13th. to 16th. 2003. Special flight and accommodations packages are=20 available in cooperation with Cisalpina Tours. AZZURRA AIR from monday 17th of this month will transfer the headquarter = of=20 the company to Gallarate from Bergamo. BRITANNIA SWEDEN AB will resume on May 8th. 2004 the charter flight=20 Bologna-Stockholm with B737/800 every saturday until October 2nd. 2004 on= =20 behalf Fritresor, a member of World of Tui, tour operator of Sweden. BRITISH AIRWAYS: This is the summer timetable index news for Italy: Bari-London LGW 3xweek on Tu-Th-Sa; Catania-London LGW 3xweek on Tu-Th-Su; Cagliari-London LGW 3xweek on Fr-Sa-Su. Pisa-London LGW 23 weekly flights; Naples-London LGW 23 wekly flights Genoa-London LGW 8 weekly flights Turin-London LGW from 14 to 7 weekly flights Naples and Pisa lose the nieght stop based plane. Night stop flights are operated from Italy in departure from Bologna,=20 Milan, Rome. FLYGLOBESPAN plans to start a two times a week flights from Edimburgh to=20 Venice/Rome Ciampino effective summer season 2004. INTERAIR the new subsidiary of JAT will operate the route Trieste-Belgrad= e=20 with ATR72'S. 3 ARE THE AIRLINER PLANNED AND FURTHER TWO EXPECTED IN=20 DELIVERY, THIS IS NOT ONLY A SISTER COMPANY BUT A NEW LOW COST POLICY CAR= RIER. VOLARE GROUP, two A330/200 in leasing from ILFC are reported returned to=20 lessor and in storage at Dublin, regs I-VLEE/F. Another A330/200 is reported in leasing to Edelweiss for a temporary leas= e=20 after the fault occured to the engine. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco=20 --=======14624FDC======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-6A171212 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.536 / Virus Database: 331 - Release Date: 03/11/2003 --=======14624FDC=======--