--=======521D2F2D======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4FC3492B; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, further news in this issue regarding the Italian civil aviation scene: EASY JET will introduce with effect May 2003 a daily rotation Naples-Berl= in=20 SXF, first and unique stops in Italy fronm the new airline hub. NORWEGIAN with effect April 2nd. 2004 opens Pisa from Oslo two times a we= ek=20 on mondays and fridays: OSL-PSA 16.05 19.00 737/300 DY370 PSA-OSL 19.30 22.25 737/300 DY371 PORTUGALIA with effect Nov. 3rd. 2003 has replaced the EMB145 with F100 o= n=20 Milan Malpensa-Lisboa-Porto. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======521D2F2D======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4FC3492B Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.536 / Virus Database: 331 - Release Date: 03/11/2003 --=======521D2F2D=======--